The EYE communication strategy is intended for use by all EYE partners and respective communication teams, as well as regional and country colleagues who will need to communicate about the work of EYE. It will also be publicly available for others, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and p...rivate sector organizations, who may wish to read or share content published about EYE.
Le présent guide a été conçu comme un outil simple et pratique pour aider les administrateurs sanitaires des districts à élaborer un plan réaliste à leur niveau, afin de mieux gérer l'élimination des déchets produits par les injectio
By December of 2019, an estimated 5.3 million Venezuelans would have left the country, migrating in search of opportunities, health services and an overall search to improve the socio-economic conditions of themselves and their families. This is the largest migration in the history of the Americas. ...Migrants are one of the most vulnerable populations, exposed to human trafficking, abuse, exploitation and violence.
This Emergency Appeal seeks funds to reach this vulnerable population through a range of services that are aimed at preserving the dignity of migrant populations and increasing their wellbeing. These services are: shelter; livelihoods and basic needs; health services; water, sanitation and hygiene services; protection gender and inclusion. T
MEDBOX Issue Brief no. 7, Dec. 2020
Die Impfung gegen die Ausbreitung des SARS-CoV-2-Virus stellt einen Meilenstein in der Bekämpfung der Pandemie dar. Für den Erfolg der Impfung unabdingbar ist eine gute Kommunikation und Aufklärung der Bevölkerung. Im Folgenden sind einige Informationen zur I...mpfstrategie, Durchführung der Impfung, ethische Überlegungen, sowie Aufklärungsmaterialien in deutscher und englischer Sprache aufgelistet
Version 02, veröffentlicht am 23.12.2020
The dashboard is based on assessments made by the International Preparedness Strengthening missions to 14 priority countries against each of the activities outlined in the WHO EVD Checklist at the time of each mission. Updates indicating progress against each of the indicators will be added on an o...ngoing basis.
WHO Regional EVD Preparedness Meeting Presentations January 14-16, 2015
The essential medicines are those that meet the priority needs of the healthcare of the population. While reviewing the 5th edition of the essential Medicines, special attention focused on the health sector policy. Indeed, medicines play an important role in protecting, maintaining and restoring th...e peoples’ health and credibility of health facilities. Their availability is a fundamental aspect of primary health care as defined in different declarations including Alma-Ata of 1978.
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation - Your partner in the fight against TB
Accessed November 2017