Chapter · January 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0_25
D.D. Celentano and C. Beyrer (eds.), Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0 25, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
A systematic review informing a radical transformation of health workforce development
Zule et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:44
China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Volume 6, No. 3 (2008) p. 101-128 © Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program
ISSN: 1653-4212
Getting to Zero
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
В помощь руководи*телям и практикующим врачам приведены конкретные меры, направ*ленные на улучшение медицинской помощи и обеспечение равногодоступа к не...й заключенных, необходимые юридические инструменты, рекомендации по организации работы лабораторных и противотубер*кулезных служб, методы диагностики и ведения больных, образцыспециальной документации, перечни профилактических и санитарно*просветительных мероприятий.
UNAIDS 2019, Reference
This edition of UNAIDS data shows the results of some of those successes, but also the challenges that remain. It contains the very latest data on the world’s response to HIV, consolidating a small part of the huge volume of data collected, analysed and refined by UNAIDS the years. The full data set of information for 1990 to 2018 is available on
Defending Rights
Breaking Barriers
Reaching People with HIV Services
Global Aids Update 2019
InternatIonal Journal of adolescence and Youth
2019, Vol. 24, No. 3, 362–379
Brussels, December 16. 2016
Rueda S, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011453. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011453
Child Survival Working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
Child Survival Working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
Guidance Document and supporting Resources
Lessons from the Africa Regional Stigma Training Programme
Supporting community action on AIDS in developing countries
Supplement to the 2016 consolidated Guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV infection
HIV Treatment