Compendium of Case Studies
This briefing paper provides an overview of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people planning, commissioning or providing HIV prevention activities in the UK. It does this by reviewing thirty key questions about PrEP and how it might be implemented in the UK.
Временные рекомендации
24 февраля 2020 г.
Настоящий документ подготовлен с использованием имеющихся в настоящее время фактологических данных о передаче коронави...усного заболевания 2019 г. (ранее носившего название 2019-nCoV, которое было заменено на COVID-19, используемое сейчас), а именно о передаче от человека к человеку воздушно-капельным путем или через непосредственный контакт с инфицированным лицом.
Scientific brief
8 April 2020
Março de 2020
O número de Estados Membros da União Africana a reportarem
casos do COVID-19 está a aumentar e existe uma probabilidade de transmissão comunitária. A OMS modificou recentemente a definição
de caso suspeito do COVID-19, de modo a incluir infecção respiratória aguda grave... e aconselha a testagem de todos os casos de doença respiratória aguda grave (SARI).1 Contudo, muitos Estados Membros ainda não começaram a implementar estas alterações, pois ainda estão a concentrar os esforços na vigilância de indivíduos com histórico de viagem para uma área com transmissão local do COVID-19. Isto significa que os doentes com sintomas semelhantes, mas sem contacto aparente, podem não ser investigados.
The COVID-19 Pakistan Preparedness and Response Plan (PPRP) outlines the international assistance required by the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to stop the transmission of the pandemic and respond to the emerging public health needs in Pakistan. It is created in line with the Pakistan National Action... Plan. It aims to steer a coordinated international effort in consultation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) to support the Ministry of Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (M/O NHSRC), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Provincial Departments of Health, PDMAs under the overall efforts of the Government of Pakistan (GoP). It is prepared with the support of the UN and is guided by the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP).
To provide recommendations on the initial care of persons with acute respiratory illness (ARI) in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in healthcare facilities based on a decision-making process flowchart. These recommendations are preliminary and subject to review as new evidence becomes a...vailable. The recommendations provided in this document apply for adults olden than 18 years old.
This document outlines minimum requirements of laboratory testing for COVID-19 and link laboratory testing with surveillance and contact tracing to guide the outbreak response by national health authorities using a reduced number of tests performed. The strategies are organized according to stages o...f transmission: (1) No cases reported or observed (Stage 0); (2) Imported cases (Stage 1); (3) Localized community transmission (Stage 2); (4) Large-scale community transmission (Stage 3). For each stage, the recommended approaches indicate which testing strategy to prioritize when there are severe limitations on laboratory testing. The document is based on the current epidemiology of COVID-19 and available molecular testing methods.
Erfahrungen im Umgang mit COVID-19-Erkrankten–Hinweise von Klinikern für Kliniker –
An interagency guidance note on working with communities in high density settings to plan local approaches to preventing and managing COVID-19. This guidance note is intended for anyone involved in COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) efforts in complex and fragile settings in... Africa.
1 July 2021; Report shows big COVID-19-related HIV prevention programme service disruptions, but highlights that HIV service innovations and adaptations are possible.
A synthesis report on programme disruptions and adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
Issue Brief no.15, September 2021, updated 19 October 2021