WHO clinical and policy guidelines
Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas
During the past five decades, the incidence of dengue has increased 30-fold. Some 50–100 million new infections are estimated to occur annually in more than 100 endemic countries, with a documented further spread to previously unaffected areas; every year hundreds of thousands of severe cases ari...se, including 20 000 deaths; 264 disability-adjusted life years per million population per year are lost , at an estimated cost for ambulatory and hospitalized cases of US$ 514–1394, often affecting very poor populations. The true numbers are probably far worse, since severe underreporting and misclassification of dengue cases have been documented.
This report explores the reasons why global health is critical to medicine and what this means for medical education. It argues that an understanding of global health is important for all students and practicing doctors, rather than being an ‘add-on’ or ‘option’ for specialization.
Prices people pay for medicines.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the global community of countries, partners, donors, technical experts, scientists and field implementation teams continue to work towards the ultimate goal of a world free of the burden of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).
Mothers, newborns, young children and adolescents are losing 20 percent of their health and social services due to the COVID-19 pandemic says a Panel of senior global health experts.
Groupe indépendant d’experts de la redevabilité de l’initiative Chaque femme, chaque enfant. (2020). Dans la tourmente de la pandémie de COVID-19: la santé de la femme, de l’enfant et de l’adolescent dans le contexte de la couverture sanitaire universelle et des objectifs de dével...oppement durable : rapport 2020 : résumé d'orientation.
Voices from Leaders in the Field