Reduce Risk, Protect Health Facilities, Save Lives
Towards a world free of tuberculosis
Global and regional estimates of violence against women
he report presents the first global systematic review of scientific data on the prevalence of two forms of violence against women: violence by an intimate partner (intimate partner violence) and sexual violence by someone other than a partner ...(non-partner sexual violence). It shows, for the first time, global and regional estimates of the prevalence of these two forms of violence, using data from around the world. Previous reporting on violence against women has not differentiated between partner and non-partner violence. You can download the report in different languages
Child Survival working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group
Disease Control Division,
Standard Management Guideline
Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
First Published: 15th May 2017
The marathon to eradicate polio is on its final lap: the world is more than 99% of the way to success. After millennia of living with poliovirus and suffering the paralysis it causes, today nearly all the world’s people live in polio-free countries; two of the three strains of wild poliovirus (WPV...) have been eradicated. Some 20 million people are walking who would have been paralysed had it not been for the efforts of national governments and health workers. If eradicating polio has been a marathon, the finishing line is in sight.
A super-fast-track Framework for ending AIDS among children, adolescents and young women by 2020
Accessed: 02.11.2019