This brief provides key considerations for engaging communities on COVID-19 and tips for how to engage where there are movement restrictions and physical distancing measures in place, particularly in low-resource settings.
Armed conflicts and natural disasters cause significant psychological and social suffering to affected populations. The psychological and social impacts of emergencies may be acute in the short term, but they can also undermine the long-term mental health and psychosocial well-being of the affected ...population. These impacts may threaten peace, human rights and development. One of the priorities in emergencies is thus to protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being.
This report identifies and analyses policies and laws which currently include of Persons with disabilities in social protection specifically the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme and considers some of the gaps in the VUP norms which prevent the successful inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
Democratic dispensation in 1994 created a political and social platform that reshaped life in South Africa. There was a surge in common belief that the inequity and wrong of Apartheid should and could be rectified. Equity of access to water and sanitation were obvious targets for improvement. In 199...4, an estimated 14–15 million South Africans were without access to an improved water supply, while close to 21 million - more than half of the population at that time - did not have access to improved sanitation facilities. These problems were most severe in poorer rural areas. The water and sanitation sector became unified by the vision of universal access for all South Africans. This case study documents the progression of the sector between 1994 and 2016, and analyzes the impact of local systems created in South Africa to respond to the water and sanitation challenge.
The major areas of focus for the plan will be:
- Social mobilization and community empowerment (health promotion & education for disease prevention);
- Promotion of access to safe water, good sanitation and hygiene;
- Surveillance and laboratory confirmation of outbreaks;
- case management and infection control;
- Complementary use of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) for cholera endemic communities; and
- Coordination and stewardship between and for all actors.
- Monitoring, supervision, evaluation and operation research to ensure continued improvement in service delivery.
Children in every country, every culture and at every social level face various forms of abuse,
neglect, exploitation and violence1. The abuse takes place at home, in school, in institutions,
at work, in the community, in armed conflict and natural disasters. Much violence against
children, such corporal punishment and sexual abuse, remains legal and socially approved
in many countries. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects a child’s development,
dignity, and physical and psychological integrity. Save the Children works to prevent
abuse and neglect from happening, ensure the victims of violence are supported and that
justice is ensured.
he pandemic has produced an unprecedented economic and social crisis, and it could generate a food, humanitarian, and political crisis if urgent measures are not taken. The policy options for addressing the pandemic entail consolidating national plans and achieving intersectoral consensus. The respo...nse should be structured in three nonlinear and interrelated phases—control, reactivation, and rebuilding—involving the participation of technical actors representing not only the field of health but also other social and economic areas. Measures implemented to control the pandemic as well as measures for the reactivation and rebuilding phases will require increased public investment in health until the recommended parameters are achieved.
Le choléra reste une menace mondiale pour la santé publique et un indicateur clé du
manque de développement social. La transmission du choléra est étroitement liée à
l’accès insuffisant à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement. Les zones typiques à risque sont
notamment les bido...nvilles périurbains et les zones rurales où les infrastructures de base
ne sont pas disponibles, ainsi que les camps de personnes déplacées ou de réfugiés où
les conditions de vie et l’accès à l’eau et aux systèmes d’assainissement sont insuffisants.
En 2015, plus de 170 000 cas et 1 300 décès (TL : 0,8 %) ont été signalés à l’OMS dans
42 pays, dont 41 % en Afrique 37 % en Asie et 21 % en Haïti. C
Le Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale a créé une Cellule de Santé Communautaire (CSC) rattachée à la Direction Générale de la Santé pour impulser, organiser et coordonner la santé communautaire. Un document de Politique de santé communautaire a également été élaboré pour... servir de cadre de référence et d’outil de régulation et d’orientation des initiatives communautaires. Un Plan Stratégique National de Santé Communautaire (PSNSC) opérationnalise la Politique de santé communautaire et fixe les priorités du secteur dans les cinq prochaines années (2014 – 2018).
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117: e200460, 2022
Integrating the multiple dimensions of the problem into a coherent approach adapted to field realities and needs represents an immense challenge, but the payoff is more effective and sustainable experiences, with higher social awareness..., increased case detection and follow-up, improved adherence to care, and integrated participation of various actors from multiple action levels. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) initiatives have great potential for impact in the implementation of multidimensional programs of prevention and control successfully customised to the diverse and complex contexts where Chagas disease persists.
In response to COVID-19, UNICEF continues to support the Ministry of Health and Sports’ Health Literacy Promotion Unit to translate and disseminate messages including in ethnic languages for the border areas on good hygiene and handwashing. Social media boosting and message dissemination reach app...roximately 15 million people countrywide.
The Covid-19 pandemic has the significant potential to affect the quality and scale up of nutrition, health and other lifesaving interventions. The restrictions on mobility and recommendations on social distancing will affect the way we work in our nutrition programmes and measures are needed to mit...igate the potential negative impact.