Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children under Age 6 | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children and Adolescents Ages 6 to 17 Years Old
PLoSONE 14(3):e0213242.
Trastornos de ansiedad
Capítulo F.3
Editores: Laura Revert, Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Régis Villegas, Paula Placencia, José Ángel Alda & Paula Cox
Psiquiatría y pediatría - Capítulo I.3
El progreso en la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA en los últimos veinte años ha sido notable. Una enfermedad que inicialmente dio lugar a una rápida mortalidad se ha convertido en una enfermedad crónica. Tanto es así que un adolescente diagno...sticado con VIH puede esperar vivir 60 años o más, y será más propenso a sucumbir a las enfermedades del envejecimiento, como la enfermedad cardíaca, que a la infección por el VIH.
Objective: This study examined the experiential factors and interacting vulnerabilities that contribute to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents
Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1229–1235)
This guide focuses on the evaluation of psychosocial programs that are aligned with two main goals: - To promote psychosocial wellbeing by promoting an environment that provides appropriate care, opportunities for development and protects children from exposure to situations that are harmful to thei...r psychosocial wellbeing, and - To respond to psychosocial problems by strengthening social and psychological supports for children who have been exposed to situations that affect their psychological development.
Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11
An Independent Report
of the West Africa Commission on Drugs
A Program To Improve The Care For Patients With Common Mental Disorders In Primary Health Care.
The essence of the MANAS model is to shift mental health care from mental health specialists to primarycare doctors and lay HCs (someone similar to other more widely available... health workers) working as aprimary care team to improve the coverage and efficiency in treating CMD. This manual has been prepared based on the experience gained through the MANAS program and incorporates feedback from doctors who were involved in the program implementation. It outlines the details of the MANAS model and provides information on treatments that are relevant to doctors working in Primary Health Clinics
Based on the survey, five principles for deinstitutionalization were identified: community-based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed.
The guideline on Drug misuse: opioid detoxification, commissioned by NICE and developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, sets out clear, evidence-based recommendations for healthcare staff on how to work with people who misuse opioids to significantly improve their treatment a...nd care, and to deliver detoxification safely and effectively. Of the estimated 4 million people in the UK who use illicit drugs each year, approximately 50,000 misuse opioids (such as heroin, opium, morphine, codeine and methadone). Opioid misuse presents a considerable health risk and can lead to significant social problems. This NICE guideline is an important tool in helping people to overcome their drug problem.