Survey report
Four health surveys were performed in Kutupalong Makeshift Settlment (KMS), Balukhali Makeshift Settlement (BMS), Kutupalong Makeshift Settlement Extension (KMS Extension) and Balukhali Makeshift Settlement Extension (BMS Extension). These sites were chosen to ensure that the health... status and conditions were measured in both the new settlements and the pre-existing settlements. The surveys measured current and retrospective mortality, the main morbidities affecting the population, global and severe acute malnutrition rates, vaccination coverage rates for key antigens and health-seeking behaviour. Simple random sampling was used with a recall period from 25th February 2017 until the date of interview (30th October to 12th November): approximately 260 days.
In der Broschüre wird kurz und knapp erläutert, wie die Gesundheitsversorgung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland erfolgt, wann man einen Behandlungsschein benötigt, was in einem Notfall zu tun ist oder wie Schwangere versorgt werden. Gleichzeitig weist sie auf wichtige Gegebenheiten, wie die Unters...uchung von Männern durch Ärztinnen, die Aufklärung durch den Arzt oder verfügbare Leistungen für Asylbewerber, hin.
Die Broschüre wurde in Deutsch, Englisch und Arabisch veröffentlicht.
The Report describes the evaluation of WHO's contribution to the Maternal Health Program in South-East Asia Region. This was an independent evaluation conducted in 2015 by Amaltas, a Delhi based organization. The evaluation highlights the progress in five countries, namely Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mya...nmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka and provides specific recommendations for Organizational Learning and Development. This report will be useful for all those interested in WHO's work on Maternal Health Program in the Region.
Frontline health workers (FHWs) provide services directly to communities where they are most needed, especially in remote and rural areas. Many are community health workers and midwives, though they can also include local emergency responders/paramedics, pharmacists, nurses, and doctors who serve in... community clinics.
The growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) on low- and middle-income countries threatens many health systems that are already weakened. In many countries, health systems—and health workers—are not prepared to address the complex nature of NCDs. Health systems are often fragmented, and designed to respond to single episodes of care or long-term prevention and control of infectious diseases.1 Many countries also continue to face shortages and distribution challenges of trained and supported health workers. As most NCDs are multifactorial in origin and are detected later in their evolution, health systems face significant challenges to provide early detection as well as affordable, effective, and timely treatment, particularly in underserved communities.
For the Fiscal Year 2015-2016, the Health Sector continued to implement actions meant to improve the availability, and access to quality healthcare. The following report highlights achievements registered by the health sector for the fiscal 2015-2016 in different health programs, as well as in the a...rea of health system strengthening.
What every clinician should know
Retention of knowledge and application within the community one year later
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
The Healthy Living Toolkit is developed to educate refugees, immigrants, resettlement agencies, clinics, community based organizations, and other service providers on refugee health issues. The toolkit presents material in a culturally appropriate manner and is intended to help health care-related p...rofessionals more effectively assist refugees and immigrants and reduce health disparities among these populations. The toolkit is available in multiple languages: Amharic; Arabic; Farsi; English; French; Russian, etc.