Vector-borne diseases are responsible for 17% of the global burden of communicable diseases and more than 500 000 deaths annually. The ambitious global targets for the control of vector-borne diseases come in the context of the (re-)emergence of diseases, increasing resistances to insecticides and u...ncertainty related to the financing of global vector control efforts. The United Nations 2030 Agenda with its related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)
in Quito in 2016 and WHO’s Global vector control response 2017–2030 (WHO, 2017a) emphasize the value of elevating multisectoral actions and strategies that extend beyond the health sector to the core of integrated vector control.
This policy brief underlines the important role housing conditions have in the transmission of vector-borne diseases and showcases interventions and policies the housing sector can contribute to effective, integrated and intersectoral vector-borne diseases management.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on hypertension provides a comprehensive overview of high blood pressure, highlighting its prevalence, risk factors, and health implications. It emphasizes that hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide, with an estimated 1.28 billion adult...s aged 30–79 years affected, two-thirds of whom live in low- and middle-income countries.
The document outlines modifiable risk factors, including unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use, and being overweight or obese. It also discusses non-modifiable risk factors such as family history, age over 65 years, and co-existing conditions like diabetes or kidney disease. The fact sheet underscores the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring, as hypertension often presents without symptoms, and highlights lifestyle changes and medications as effective treatments. Additionally, it mentions global targets aimed at reducing the prevalence of hypertension by 33% between 2010 and 2030.
The IHME webpage discusses alcohol use as a significant global health risk, responsible for over 1.8 million deaths annually. It highlights age-related differences in alcohol's health impacts, with no benefits for individuals aged 15–39 and potential small benefits for those aged 40 and above unde...r certain conditions. The page emphasizes the need to consider factors like age, disease patterns, and individual health in assessing alcohol-related risks.
The video titled "Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Prevention" emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It discusses how engaging in consistent exercise can help prevent conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. The also provides practical tips for incorporating physical activity into daily routines to enhance overall health and well-being.
The NIH webpage discusses how dietary habits influence the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It highlights that both excessive and insufficient intake of certain foods and nutrients can increase mortality risk from these conditions, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet for... better health.
Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world. The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.
This course aims to provide information on the basic understanding of palliative care and the elements of service program for delivering palliative care. The course contents will also include the considerations in managing signs, symptoms and assessing the patient as well as communicating with the p...atient, family, and care giver, and the principles and management of respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, nervous systems’ symptoms and conditions in palliative care.
Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world.
The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. ...These conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.
Myocardial infarctions are generally clinically classified into ST elevation MI (STEMI) and non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI), based on changes in ECG. When blood flow to a part of the heart stops or the heart is injured and fails to receive enough oxygen required for its adequate functioning the conditi...on is termed as STEMI or the ‘heart-attack’ in laymen language. Patients with elevated cardiac troponin levels but negative CK-MB who were formerly diagnosed with unstable angina or minor myocardial injury are now reclassified as non-ST-segment elevation Myocardial Infarction (non-STEMI) even in the absence of diagnostic changes.
Just under 2.5 million people die annually due to alcohol use. This global estimate, however, excludes most of the health burden
borne by others than the alcohol user. Alcohol’s harm to others includes a multitude of conditions, such as trauma from traffic crashes, fetal disorders due to prenatal... exposure to alcohol, as well as interpersonal and intimate partner violence. While alcohol’s causal role in these conditions is well-established, alcohol’s harm to others’ contribution to the overall health burden of alcohol remains unknown. This knowledge gap leads to a situation in which alcohol policy and prevention strategies largely focus on the reduction of alcohol’s detrimental health harms on the alcohol users, neglecting affected others and population groups most vulnerable to these harms, including women and children. In this article, we seek to elucidate why estimates for alcohol’s harm to others are lacking and offer guidance for future research. We also argue that a full assessment of the alcohol health burden that includes the harm caused by others’ alcohol use would enhance the visibility and public awareness of such harms, and advancing the evaluation of policy interventions to mitigate them.
Globally, over two million women live with obstetric fistula with the majority of the cases
being from Africa. In low-resource settings such as Zambia, obstetric fistula (OF) is a visible indicator of
gaps in maternal health care resulting in failure to provide adequate, accessible and quality m...aternal health
care, including family planning, skilled birth attendance, basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care,
and affordable treatment of fistula. OF is preventable and treatable, and no woman in Zambia should continue to endure the condition. It is therefore necessary that Zambia intensifies national scale up of OF management centers including
community based interventions, train more surgeons and other health workers to provide quality and
affordable care closer to the women who are silently suffering from obstetric fistula.
WHO has updated its guidelines for COVID-19 therapeutics, with revised recommendations for patients with non-severe COVID-19. This is the 13th update to these guidelines.
Updated risk rates for hospital admission in patients with non-severe COVID-19
The guidance includes updated risk rates for... hospital admission in patients with non-severe COVID-19.
The current COVID-19 virus variants tend to cause less severe disease while immunity levels are higher due to vaccination, leading to lower risks of severe illness and death for most patients.
This update includes new baseline risk estimates for hospital admission in patients with non-severe COVID-19. The new ‘moderate risk’ category now includes people previously considered to be high risk including older people and/or those with chronic conditions, disabilities, and comorbidities of chronic disease. The updated risk estimates will assist healthcare professionals to identify individuals at high, moderate or low risk of hospital admission, and to tailor treatment according to WHO guidelines:
**High: **People who are immunosuppressed remain at higher risk if they contract COVID-19, with an estimated hospitalization rate of 6%.
**Moderate: **People over 65 years old, those with conditions like obesity, diabetes and/or chronic conditions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney or liver disease, cancer, people with disabilities and those with comorbidities of chronic disease are at moderate risk, with an estimated hospitalization rate of 3%.
Low: Those who are not in the high or moderate risk categories are at low risk of hospitalization (0.5%). Most people are low risk.
Review of COVID-19 treatments for people with non-severe COVID-19
WHO continues to strongly recommend nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (also known by its brand name ‘Paxlovid’) for people at high-risk and moderate risk of hospitalization. The recommendations state that nirmatrelvir-ritonavir is considered the best choice for most eligible patients, given its therapeutic benefits, ease of administration and fewer concerns about potential harms. Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir was first recommended by WHO in April 2022.
If nirmatrelvir-ritonavir is not available to patients at high-risk of hospitalization, WHO suggests the use of molnupiravir or remdesivir instead.
WHO suggests against the use of molnupiravir and remdesivir for patients at moderate risk, judging the potential harms to outweigh the limited benefits in patients at moderate risk of hospital admission.
For people at low risk of hospitalization, WHO does not recommend any antiviral therapy. Symptoms like fever and pain can continue to be managed with analgesics like paracetamol.
WHO also recommends against use of a new antiviral (VV116) for patients, except in clinical trials.
The update also includes a strong recommendation against the use of ivermectin for patients with non-severe COVID-19. WHO continues to advise that in patients with severe or critical COVID-19, ivermectin should only be used in clinical trials.
This ACTIVE toolkit provides evidence-based guidance on the key approaches to promote and enable older people to be physically active, regardless of who they are, where they live, or their intrinsic capacities (for example their visual or cognitive abilities) or whether they live with chronic condit...ions (for example, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis). It is designed to support all countries at national and subnational levels (particularly low- and middle-income countries with limited resources) to ensure that environments and settings support older people to be active, and that they provide physical activity services and programmes tailored to the needs, preferences and goals of all older people.
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d...'urgence humanitaire.
Le manuel comprend des propositions de formation, , des objectifs d'apprentissage et des conseils pour la planification et l’animation de la formation. Il comprend également des modules de formation étape par étape pour les différentes conditions couvertes dans le Guide d'intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP). Des diapositives PPT sont également incluses sur le lien ci-dessous.
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d...'urgence humanitaire.
Le manuel comprend des propositions de formation, , des objectifs d'apprentissage et des conseils pour la planification et l’animation de la formation. Il comprend également des modules de formation étape par étape pour les différentes conditions couvertes dans le Guide d'intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP). Des diapositives PPT sont également incluses sur le lien ci-dessous.
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d...'urgence humanitaire.
Le manuel comprend des propositions de formation, , des objectifs d'apprentissage et des conseils pour la planification et l’animation de la formation. Il comprend également des modules de formation étape par étape pour les différentes conditions couvertes dans le Guide d'intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP). Des diapositives PPT sont également incluses sur le lien ci-dessous.
Les géohelminthiases comptent parmi les infections les plus courantes dans le monde, plus de 1,5 milliard de personnes, soit près de 24 % de la population mondiale, étant infestées à l’échelle mondiale. Ces infections touchent les communautés les plus pauvres et les plus défavorisées ayan...t un accès limité à l’eau potable, à l’assainissement et à l’hygiène dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, la plus forte prévalence étant recensée en Afrique subsaharienne, en Chine, en Amérique du Sud et en Asie. Elles se transmettent par des œufs présents dans les excréments humains, qui contaminent les sols là où les conditions d’assainissement sont insuffisantes. Plus de 260 millions d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, 654 millions d’enfants d’âge scolaire, 108 millions d’adolescentes et 138,8 millions de femmes enceintes ou allaitantes vivent dans des zones où il existe une transmission à grande échelle de ces parasites et nécessitent un traitement et la mise en place de mesures préventives.
People who accidentally swallow the eggs of the Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm are at risk for infection. Dogs that eat home-slaughtered sheep and other livestock become infected with the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus and the tapeworm eggs can be found in their stool. Direct contact with infect...ed dogs, particularly intimate contact between children and their pet dogs, may lead to human infection. Ingestion of soil, water and vegetables contaminated with infected dog feces may also lead to infections. Echinococcus granulosus eggs can survive snow and freezing conditions.
La Stratégie de riposte face à la résistance aux antipaludiques en Afrique est un document technique de sensibilisation qui se fonde sur les bases factuelles les plus solides dont on dispose et vise à réduire au maximum la menace et l’impact de la résistance aux antipaludiques de Plasmodium ...falciparum en Afrique. Elle a pour objectifs i) d’améliorer la détection de la résistance et d’assurer une riposte en temps utile ; ii) de retarder l’émergence de la résistance à l’artémisinine et aux médicaments associés utilisés dans les combinaisons thérapeutiques à base d’artémisinine (CTA) ; et iii) de freiner la sélection et la propagation des parasites résistants là où une pharmacorésistance est confirmée. Si la Stratégie cible l’Afrique, il convient de noter que la
menace de la résistance aux antipaludiques concerne tous les pays d’endémie palustre et que les interventions proposées dans le présent document sont applicables dans d’autres régions géographiques à condition d’être adaptées aux spécificités locales.
This document focus on the direct consequences of the virus (morbidity and mortality) in specific populations and on the results of measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, with indirect impacts on socio-economic conditions. In this complex scenario, the gender approach has not received... due attention during the pandemic. Gender is one of the structural determinants of health, but it does not appear in analyses of the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic, despite being essential in the recognition and analysis of the differential impacts on men and women and their interaction with the different determinants of health.