The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Moral emotions are a key element of our human morals. Emotions play an important role in the
caring process. Decision-making and assessment in emergency situations are complex and they frequently result in
different emotions and feelings among health-care professionals.
In line with the National Mental Health Strategy for Lebanon (2015-2020), this guide answers the objective of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support task force: “Development and provision of staff care interventions for persons working in the MHPSS and Protection sectors”. It aims at burnout, improving the wellbeing of staff, and managing difficult situations resulting from work conditions.
This document provides a decision-making framework for implementation of mass treatment interventions, active case-finding campaigns and population-based surveys for neglected tropical diseases in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A two-step approach is proposed: a risk–benefit assessment, to ...decide if the planned activity should proceed; and an examination of a list of precautionary measures that should be applied with the aim of decreasing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 associated with the activity, and strengthening the capacity of the health system to manage any residual risk. This guidance note is intended to health authorities, NTD programme managers and their supporting partners.
A toolkit containing links to videos which use clay figures to address topics relating to COVID-19, such as stigma and rumours, as well as issues surrounding migration, including social inclusion.
accessed July 2020
“Charity is at the heart of the Church, it is the reason for its action, the soul of its mission.” (Pope Francis)
Última modificação: 28.05.2020; Data da publicação: 04.07.2017. O objetivo desta cartilha é apresentar o tema da tuberculose oferecendo subsídios para o desenvolvimento do trabalho do ACS. Seu formato foi pensado para facilitar a consulta e o manuseio, principalmente auxiliando o de dúvidas durante a visita domiciliar de forma objetiva. Visa também destacar o olhar para a tuberculose, contribuindo com o controle da doença e o cuidado das pessoas no território de atuação.
In the USA, Catholic Social Teaching is commonly called “the church’s best keptsecret”. And, indeed, did the church’s Social Teaching on the other side of the Atlantic never enjoy the political and societal importance attributed to it in many European countries for such a long time including..., and above all, Germany. Entire generations of Catholic politicians, social scientists, trade unionists andentrepreneurs were shaped by the Social Teachings of their Church in thesecountries, and this moulding has influenced their way of acting to a great extent. This influence can be clearly traced in the socio-economic realm where Catholic SocialTeaching has contributed fundamentally to the rise of what we today – in a cleardividing line to the boundless capitalism of the Anglo-American brand – call theSocial Market Economy.
accessed July 2020
A paper presented during a conference on The Catholic Social Teaching and its Social and Political impact on the Development 9thto 10th December, in Schloss Eichholz Koln/Cologne/GermanyPresented by Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku
accessed July 2020
With human dignity at its centre, a holistic approach to development founded on the principles of CST is what Pope Paul VI called ‘authentic development’. Explore the Catholic Social Teaching principles and how they guide the work of DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE.
accessed July 2020
Ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
accessed July 2020
Communication sur les risques et participation Communautaire
Most shelters in the Caribbean are community centers, schools, or churches that are limited in size. The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) distancing requirements subsequently reduced the number of persons a shelter can accommodate during the hurricane season. This document reinforces some to follow per international emergency shelter protocols factoring in conditions for spacing between beds/cots, recreation areas and ventilation according to The Sphere Handbook, FEMA, and Australian Red Cross. Physical distancing and hygienic standards were modified highlighting that ideal requirements are not always feasible; therefore, we may choose realistic recommendations for practical purposes and suspected cases of COVID-19.
This guide focuses on three main areas: how to support a person whose condition warrants home care because of non-severe symptoms and home care is recommended by local jurisdictions; how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the home; and how to provide emotional support to family members. While this... manual provides information on danger signs of COVID-19, it should not be used as a guide for when and how a person who has COVID-19 (or its symptoms) should seek medical care. All content adapted to different countries should reflect local policy guidelines and recommendations.
Global COVID-19 Clinical Platform: Case Record Form for suspected cases of Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) in children and adolescents temporally related to COVID-19
لمنصة السریریة العالمیة لمرض كوفید-19 :شتبھ في إصابتھا ُاستمارة تقریر الحالة الخاصة بالحالات الم بًبالمتلازمة الالتھابیة متعددة الأجھزة لدى الأطفال والمراھقین الم...رتبطة زمنیامرض كوفید-19