Previous pandemics have demonstrated that more people could die from the indirect consequences of an outbreak than from the disease itself. As the fight against the pandemic is pushing millions into poverty and hunger, COVID-19 will likely be no different.
La evolución de los acontecimientos y el esfuerzo conjunto de la comunidad científica mundial, hangeneradogran cantidad de información que se modificarápidamente con nuevas evidencias. Este documento pretende hacer unresumen analítico de la evidencia científica dispo...niblehasta el momento en torno a la epidemiología, características microbiológicas y clínicas del COVID-19.En esta actualización se añaden los hallazgos acerca de la transmisiónen periodo asintomático y a partir de aerosoles y superficies inanimadas, así como las características de los principales grupos de riesgo. Para información relativa a medicamentos relacionados con COVID-19 se puede consultar la web de la Agencia Española del Medicamento y ProductosSanitarios:
Les activités menées au cours de l'année 2022 ont été effectuées dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de coopération OMS -Burundi 2019 – 2023 et en accord avec les quatre axes stratégiques qui soustendent le Budget-Programme 2022-2023.
Ce Budget-Programme (BP) est issu du 1...3ème Programme Général de Travail (PGT) de l’OMS (2019-
This report is not a country scorecard. Rather, its purpose is to act as a compass to guide progress towards health in the SDGs.
There has been a significant improvement in the state of health in the region with healthy life expectancy - time spent in full health - in the region increasing from 50....9 years to 53.8 between 2012 and 2015 - the most marked increase of any region in the world.
What is making Africans sick is changing. The top killers are still lower respiratory infections, HIV and diarrhoeal disease and countries have routinely focused on preventing and treating this trio, often through specialized programmes. The payoff has been significant declines in deaths due to these diseases. There has been a 50% reduction in the burden of disease caused by what have been the top 10 killers since 2000 and death rates have dropped from 87.7 to 51.1 deaths per 100,000 persons between 2000 and 2015...
Chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer are now claiming more lives with a person aged 30 to 70 in the region having a one in five chance of dying from a noncommunicable disease (NCDs).
Countries are specifically failing to provide essential services to two critical age groups – adolescents and the elderly...
Six months after its launch on 24 April, the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator has already delivered concrete results in speeding up the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines. Now mid-way through the scale-up phase, the tools we need to fundamentally change the course o...f this pandemic are within reach. But to deliver the full impact of the ACT-Accelerator – and ultimately an exit to this global crisis – these tools need to be available everywhere. On behalf of the ACT-Accelerator Pillar lead agencies – CEPI, Gavi, the Global Fund, FIND, Unitaid, Wellcome Trust, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization, as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – I am pleased to share this document setting out the near-term priorities, deliverables and financing requirements of the ACT-Accelerator Pillars and Health Systems Connector. Urgent action to address these financing requirements will boost the impact of the ACTAccelerator achievements to date, fast-track the development and deployment of additional game-changing tools, and mitigate the risk of a widening gap in access to COVID-19 tools between low- and high-income countries. Delivering on this promise requires strong political leadership, financial investment, and incountry capacity building. COVID-19 cannot be beaten by any one country acting alone. We must ACT now, and ACT together to end the COVID-19 crisis.
Purpose of this document: to present eight practical steps that Member States can take at the national and sub-national level to improve WASH in health care facilities
The COVID-19 pandemic has put significant pressure on health systems all around the world. The drastic measures established to contain its spread are creating serious impediments to economic activity (including agrifood systems) and, consequently, to livelihoods and food security and nutrition.
Impact of migration on infectious diseases in Europe | August 2007 | 1-7
Lancet 2022; 399: 1155–200 Published Online March 15, 2022
Tại nhiều quốc gia, cú sốc của làn sóng kiểm dịch thứ nhất đã lắng xuống, số ca bệnh cũng đã giảm, việc gỡ bỏ các lệnh phong tỏa đang được xem xét hoặc đã được thực hiện ở nhiều nơi. Vũ Hán đã mở cửa trở lại. Nhưng ph...ải chăng ta đang bị đánh lừa bởi vẻ ngoài? Liệu làn sóng dịch bệnh thứ hai có xảy ra không, và nếu có thì khi nào chúng sẽ đến?