This treatment guideline is intended to assist clinicians in the Behavioral Health department in treatment planning and service delivery for patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It may also assist clinicians treating patients who have some of the signs and symptoms of PTSD but who do... not meet the full criteria of PTSD. The treatment guideline is not intended to cover every aspect of clinical practice, but to focus specifically on the treatment models and modalities that clinicians in our outpatient treatment setting could provide. These guidelines were developed through a process of literature review and discussion amongst clinicians in the Behavioral Health department and represent a consensus recommendation for service provision for this disorder. The guideline is intended to inform both clinical and administrative practices with the explicit goals of outlining treatment that is: effective, efficient, culturally relevant and acceptable to clinicians, program managers, and patients.
This training and guidance has been developed to provide an in-depth understanding on what it means to respect legal capacity in mental health and related areas as well as concrete strategies to ensure that people are able to exercise their right to legal capacity in all areas of their life. In this... context a wide range of scenarios are used to describe how different models of supported decision making can be applied in practice.
you can find all 14 Technical Booklets on Inclusive Education, produced by UNICEF, in ENGLISH. Other versions can be found on the website Each Technical Booklet (and com...panion webinar) introduces a sub-theme of particular interest within Inclusive Education, and each was written by an expert, and peer-reviewed widely
Monitoring of implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities and evaluation of impact is critically important. This requires efficient monitoring and evaluation system so as to establish accountability mechanisms between programmes, the population they serve, and donors. The Guide to monitoring a...nd evaluation for collaborative TB/HIV activities will facilitate this process. The first version of the guide was developed in 2004 placing collaborative TB/HIV activities as integral part of national TB/HIV response. It was revised in 2009 to harmonize the approaches and indicators for monitoring and evaluation across key stakeholders. The current revision builds upon remarkable progress in implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities and aims to strengthen the implementation further through improved quality of data.
Other disorders
Chapter H.5.1
A broad range of UNHCR’s key priorities overlap with MHPSS issues – for example, child protection and sexual and gender-based violence [SGBV] prevention and response.
Despite all these existent synergies, UNHCR’s current policies and guidelines do not sufficiently link with MHPSS principles.... For example, the Community Services section, which is closely aligned to the principles of MHPSS and could be well-positioned to guide the implementation of related programs, has not adopted the MHPSS language or approach.
There are opportunities for UNHCR to engage more strongly and clearly in this field. However, this requires a vision for how the organisation as a whole, and particular sectors within the organisation, will engage within the field of MHPSS activities. For a start, UNHCR can work to improve its understanding and framing of mental health and psychosocial issues, and how these issues fit within its broader mandate.
While the majority of MHPSS activities are delivered by implementing partners, UNHCR staff require familiarity with core principles in the field, such as the Intervention Pyramid contained in the IASC Guidelines, in order to support and monitor quality MHPSS activities.
This literature review summarizes the link between psychological well-being and entrepreneurial outcomes for small and medium-size enterprises in fragile, conflict, and violence–affected contexts. It identifies potentially promising, scalable psychosocial training interventions, based on cognitive...-behavioral therapy approaches, that can be adapted and implemented to improve psychological health at the individual level, that could lead to better business performance at the firm level.
Chapter A.10
This guideline consists of two main parts:
i.) Guidelines for Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies on how to start up and engage with other stakeholders in country in rolling out disaster risk reduction (DRR) education and awareness activities for children - not only in school, but also... in the community;
ii.) Games and activities to engage children with key lessons and messages to carry away. With a focus on Southeast Asia, cases from Viet Nam and Indonesia are highlighted.
This guidance note is intended primarily for health actors working in emergency and disaster risk management (hereafter 'emergency risk management') at the local, national or international level, and in governmental or nongovernmental agencies. People with disabilities, those... working in the disability sector and those working in other sectors that contribute to improved health outcomes related to emergency risk management, may also find this guidance note useful.
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002014. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2019-002014
In the following you can find 51 Planning tools for Mental Health and Psychosocial support in disasters, that have been derived from an anylsis of 282 Psychosocial Mental Health guidelines and 678 Tools. The single planning tools are structured according to the most relevant topics and can be used i...ndividually.
The purpose of the Action Sheets
Each Action Sheet is a planning tool in itself that can be used individually
Each Action Sheet is an entrypoint into the main recommendations for this specific topic and gives information on further readings, tools and practice examples.
Each Action Sheet gives advice on how to plan and enhance quality in the selected area and topic.