The 2016-2017 Biennial report presents an overview of WHO Namibia's main achievements and challenges and highlights its vision for the next five years.
A Manual for Medical Officer
Developed under the Government of India – WHO Collaborative Programme 2008-2009
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Брифинг ВОЗ о
1. Распространение курения
2. Смертность, связанная с курением табака
3. Расходы на лечение болезней, связанных с курением табака
4. Воздействие мер, н...аправленных на борьбу с потреблением табака
5. Воздействие налогообложения табачных изделий на здоровье
The STEPS survey of noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors in Zambia was carried out from July to September 2017. Zambia carried out Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. Socio demographic and behavioural information was collected in Step 1. Physical measurements such as height, weight and blood pressure w...ere collected in Step 2. Biochemical measurements were collected to assess blood glucose and cholesterol levels in Step 3. The survey was a population-based survey of adults aged 18-69. A multi-stage cluster sample design was used to produce representative data for that age range in Zambia. A total of 4,302 adults participated in the survey. The overall response rate was 74% for Step 1 and 2 and 65% for Step 3. A repeat survey is planned for 2022 if funds permit.
ECDC Technical Report
In line with ECDC’s recommendations provided in the ’Risk Assessment of HTLV-1/2 transmission by tissue/cell transplantation’ dated 14 March 2012, this Directive replaces the term ‘incidence’ with ‘prevalence’ in the description of endemic areas of HTLV-1/2 i...nfection. According to the new requirements ‘HTLV-1 antibody testing must be performed for donors living in, or originating from high-prevalence areas or with sexual partners originating from those areas or where the donor’s parents originate from those areas’ and this applies to both donors of non-reproductive tissues and cells and reproductive cells.
ECDC contracted experts from the Institut Pasteur in Paris to systematically review the published evidence on the distribution of HTLV-1 infection prevalence throughout the world and to identify high-prevalence countries and areas.
Protocoles des Services de Santé Familiale - Volet Femme
Rapport de Suivi de la Déclaration de Politique du Bénin
À l’instar des autres pays de la sous-région, le Bénin est un pays à épidémie mixte. Depuis 2006, la prévalence du VIH s’est stabilisée à 1,2% dans la population générale. Malgré cette tendance à la stabilisation, il exi...ste des poches de concentration de fortes prévalences au sein de certaines populations clés plus exposées aux risques d’infection, notamment les professionnelles de sexe (PS), les détenus, les HSH et les CDI.