Guía de Práctica Clínica 2017
In preparing this paper, the Pharmacovigilance Group of the Pan American Health Organization’s Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) adopted the perspective of PAHO/WHO, which considers Pharmacovigilance, an essential component of public health programs. Its intention was... to facilitate the development of pharmacovigilance systems in the Region of the Americas and improve, strengthen, and promote the adoption of good practices to improve safety for patients and the general population, based on the needs of the Region.
Document also available in Spanish and Portuguese!
This Manual covers all important aspects of echinococcosis, including parasite biology and life-cycles, geographic distribution and prevalence, epidemiology, clinical presentation in humans and animals, diagnosis and treatment, as well as control and prevention using newly developed tools and method...s. It also provides descriptions of important techniques and a large number of bibliographical references.
Objetivo: Describir el perfil de sensibilidad y resistencia antimicrobiana de las bacterias “ESKAPE” aisladas en todas las unidades de internación del Hospital Del Norte durante la gestión 2019.
El propósito general de la reunión fue analizar la interrelación entre la salud, la nutrición y el desarrollo infantil, dentro del marco de la “Estrategia Global para la Alimentación y Nutrición del Infante y Niño Pequeño” (OMS/UNICEF).
Panorama de la Salud: Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2020 presenta indicadores clave sobre la salud y los sistemas de salud en 33 países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Esta primera edición del Panorama de la Salud sobre Latinoamérica y el Caribe fue preparada en conjunto por la OCDE y el Banco Mundia...l. Los análisis se basan en los datos comparables más recientes de alrededor de 100 indicadores sobre equidad, situación de salud, determinantes de la salud, recursos y actividades, gasto y financiación, y calidad en la atención de salud. El editorial discute los principales desafíos para la región en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, incluyendo tanto el manejo de la epidemia como la movilización y el uso eficiente de recursos para asegurar una respuesta efectiva
El VIH/sida, desconocido 30 años atrás, se ha constituido en un problema de salud
mundial de una magnitud sin precedentes, considerándose que aproximadamente 25 millones de personas han fallecido en todo el mundo a causa del VIH.
This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). The country profile synthesizes most relevant data and information on climate change, disaster risk reduction, and adaptation actions and policies at the country level. The country profile are designed as a quick reference source for development practitioners to better integrate climate resilience in development planning and policy making. This effort is managed and led by Veronique Morin (Senior Climate Change Specialist, WBG) and Ana E. Bucher (Senior Climate Change Specialist, WBG)
Use of antibiotics in patients with a diagnosis of SARS-COV2 (Update May 2021)
The growing understanding of how sequence information can contribute to improved public health is driving global investments in sequencing facilities and programmes. The falling cost and complexity of generating GSD provides opportunities for expanding sequencing capacity; however, challenges to wid...espread implementation remain. This document provides policy-makers and stakeholders with guidance on how to maximize the public health benefit of SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing activities in the short and long term as the pandemic continues to unfold. Practical considerations for the implementation of a virus genomic sequencing programme and an overview of the public health objectives of genomic sequencing are covered. This guidance focuses on SARS-CoV-2 but is applicable to other pathogens of public health concern.
© Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos 2020
Accessed: 10.04.2020
With this study, we estimated the burden of serious fungal infections for the general healthy population and for those at risk, including those infected with HIV, patients with asthma, as well as those under intensive care. We also highlight from studies in progress of high incidences of histoplasm...osis, CM and Pneumocystis jirovecii in adult HIV-infected patients.
El marco conceptual científico de la neutralidad de la degradación de la tierra (LDR) proporciona una base científica para comprender, aplicar y supervisar la LDR. Su objetivo es salvar la brecha entre la visión y la aplicación práctica de la ENC, definiendo la ENC en términos operativos. El ...marco conceptual es un producto de la interfaz ciencia-política de la CNULD.
Identificando o risco de acidente vascular cerebral e melhorando desfechos em pacientes com fibrilação atrial na América Latina
DOI: 10.1590/1516-3180.2015.0222110716
Sao Paulo Med J. 2016; 134(6):534-42
A review of policy and practice; zero Hunger Phase 1