This curriculum can be used freely in order to stimulate means of ethical analysis, reflection and decision-making.
A training course for Vasectomy Providers and Assistants
2nd Edition
A Training Course for Service Providers
un curriculum de formation
Un supplément du curriculum de counseling sur la fi
stule obstétricale
FP Counseling in Practice
Training Manual
Building on earlier EngenderHealth work in counseling, Counseling for Effective Use of Family Planning responds to an identified gap in existing materials and fills the needs expressed by those in the field. The intended audiences for this curriculum are health care providers, their... supervisors, and the managers of the programs in which they work. The counseling skills addressed here are expected to be relevant to the provision of both preventive and curative health services through the workshop participants’ national health systems. Finally, the curriculum’s participatory approach to defining terms and to generating profiles of potential clients is designed to assist trainees in addressing the realities and exploring the reproductive health priorities of their communities in a culturally appropriate manner.
Section 3, Management of Men's Reproductive Health Problems, provides information to clinicians and other service providers in diagnosing and managing reproductive health disorders in men. Topics include disorders of the male reproductive system, including infertility and sexually transmitted i...nfections; sexual and reproductive history assessment; and step-by-step instructions for performing a genital examination.
Section 1, Introduction to Men's Reproductive Health Services, Revised Edition, is designed to help sites and health care workers address organizational and attitudinal barriers that may exist when initiating, providing, or expanding a men's reproductive health services program. It also provides bas...ic information on a variety of reproductive health issues relevant to reproductive health services for men, including sexuality, gender, anatomy and physiology, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections.
A manual intended for use by Men As Partners (MAP) educators in facilitating workshops on male involvement in reproductive health. Contains a variety of interactive educational activities on such topics as gender and sexuality, male and female sexual health, HIV and AIDS, and other sexually transmit...ted infections, relationships, and violence, as well as general resources for facilitators.
Le choléra est une infection diarrhéique aiguë causée par l'ingestion d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés. Ce cours offre une introduction générale au choléra et s'adresse au personnel qui intervient en cas d'apparition de la maladie dans des situations d'urgence complexes ou dans des environneme...nts où les infrastructures environnementales de base ont été endommagées ou détruites. Ce cours comprend des documents accessibles en anglais et en arabe. Nous espérons que ce cours vous aidera à vous rappeler de ce que vous savez déjà et à exécuter les bons principes de gestion du choléra.
Objectif d'apprentissage : A la fin de ce cours, les participants devront être en mesure de :
décrire la définition du cas et les alertes pour le choléra ;
décrire les principales voies de transmission ;
identifier les principales actions préventives ; et
expliquer comment le contrôle du choléra est multisectoriel.
Durée du cours : Environ 1 heure.
Dieser E-Learning-Kurs verschafft Ihnen durch informative Texte, anschauliche Fallbeispiele und nützliche Links einen umfassenden Überblick zur Diabetes-Situation weltweit. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem globalen Süden. Praktische Hilfestellungen für Ihre Arbeit runden das Angebot ab. Für ...die Bearbeitung der gesamten E-Learning Einheit benötigen Sie etwa zweieinhalb Stunden.
Modul A: Überblick zur aktuellen Situation; Folgen für Länder des globalen Südens (Daür: ca. 15 Min.);
Modul B: Medizinische Grundlagen; Ursachen und Komplikationen; Zusammenhänge mit nfektionskrankheiten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul C: Grundlagen von Diagnose, Behandlung und Schulung; Präventionsmaßnahmen; Probleme beim Zugang zu Medikamenten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul D: Nutzen und Schaden gängiger Antidiabetika, rationale Auswahl von Medikamenten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul E: Globale Verbreitung von Diabetes; Länderstudien; politischen Gegenmaßnahmen und WHO-Pläne (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul F: Praktische Hilfestellungen für die Arbeit (Daür: ca. 15 Min.)
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