28 May 2021
Contact tracing is a key component of a public health response to infectious disease outbreaks. The purpose of this guidance is to reinforce the place of community engagement and participation in the contact tracing process. The guidance and related products articulate best practice pri...nciples for community engagement and how they can be operationalized as part of any community-centred contact tracing strategy. The material provided can stand on its own or be used to complement other documents that support strategies, implementation plans or training and capacity building modules.
Biweekly situation reports
A new brief published by the IFRC and Climate Centre today details the adverse impacts of climate change on human health and provides more detail on the second of four pillars of action in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement ambitions on climate.
Biosafety involves the implementation of containment principles, technologies and practices to prevent unintentional exposure to biological agents. Biosecurity involves the protection, control and accountability of biological materials and information related to these materials and dualuse research,... to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release.
This manual describes methods for investigating clusters or outbreaks that may be of chemical origin and describes the importance of a structured, coordinated, collaborative multidisciplinary, multi-agency approach at local, regional, national and international levels.
Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. The need for nursing is universal. Inherent in nursing is a respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity and to be trea...ted with respect. Nursing care is respectful of and unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture,disability or illness, gender, sexual orientation, nationality,politics, race or social status.Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and coordinate their services with those of related groups.
The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principal elements that outline the standards of ethical conduct.
This guide assumes the reader already has a general understanding of the Care Group methodology. It is highly recommended that all Care Group implementers familiarize themselves with the contents of theCare Groups: A Training Manual for Program Design and Implementation,and, ideally,to participate i...n an in-person training on Care Groups, before commencing Care Group activities. This guide is meant to serve as a companion to the Care Group Training Manual; and additional details on all topics covered in this guide are provided in the Training Manual. This guide may also be used by program evaluators, as a means to assess the extent to which Care Groups were implemented in accordance with theevidence-based model and their potential contribution to program outcomes.
The Practical Approach to Care Kit (PACK) is a health systems improvement programme designed to support the work of primary care health workers in underserved communities (like doctors, nurses, midwives, health officers, community health practitioners), strengthen the health services in which they w...ork and thereby achieve the best possible patient outcomes
You can register for free and get the PACK Global Adult Guide for free
This National Health Policy has 5 objectives, namely
i. To strengthen the healthcare delivery system to be resilient
ii. To encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles
iii. To improve the physical environment
iv. To improve the socio-economic status of the population
v. To ensure sustainable f...inancing for health
These objectives shall collectively ensure that there will be improved alignment, complementarity and synergies within and across all public sector ministries as well as with other stakeholders, towards achieving the national health goal.
The policy shall therefore ensure that MDAs and other identifiable organizations work within the principles of the Health-in-All Policy and the One-Health Policy frameworks (WHO), to achieve the desired healthy life status of people living in Ghana.
Infection control is the forth edition from Clinical Pocket Reference for Nurses.
Key knowledge from...
Fundamental Care - A Person-Centred Approach - Second Edition
The case studies in this document are set in different scales and geographies, tackling a wide realm of issues connected to urban housing recovery — locally in Nepal and globally. The case studies are categorized into three:
case studies from partner organizations
case studies from house...holds’ perspective
global case studies
This guidance document is meant to support practitioners working in disaster prone contexts to develop and implement more effective integrated resilience programming. It promotes programming that cuts across different fields of work like rights awareness, food security, emergency preparedness, livel...ihoods, education, health etc. whilst at the same time encouraging us to work simultaneously at the individual, household, community and national level. It includes specific recommendations for developing resilience programming for communities prone to floods, cyclone, drought and earthquakes. It also includes recommendations to develop safe school programming to help reduce the impact of disasters on school infrastructure, ensure education continuity and build the resilience of students, teachers and their families.
Country Strategic Plan Evaluations (CSPEs) encompass the WFP strategy and entirety of WFP activities during a specific period. Their purpose is twofold: 1) to provide evaluation evidence and learning on WFP's performance for country-level strategic decisions, specifically for developing the next Cou...ntry Strategic Plan (CSP) and 2) to provide accountability for results to WFP stakeholders. These evaluations are mandatory for all CSPs and are carried out in line with the WFP Policy on Country Strategic Plans and the WFP Evaluation Policy.
This standard Operating procedure (SOP) for JDWNRH is intended to describe and
address various important areas like admission procedure, on call process of the
doctors, interdepartmental consultation, patient discharge process and verity of
other areas which was so far solely based on verbal i...nstruction in the workplace by
the seniors which very often led to mishaps and other associate problems. This SOP,
though not comprehensive, would serve as a guidebook for newly recruited health
staff as well as a reference book for existing health professionals in JDWNRH while
delivering health care services
This is a guidance document for countries and implementing partners on the technical requirements for developing digital information systems for issuing standards-based interoperable digital certificates for COVID-19 vaccination status, and considerations for implementation of such systems, for the ...purposes of continuity of care, and proof of vaccination.