2016 Update
Key population
В настоящем отчете (это уже четвертое его издание) анализируются препятствия и факторы, затрудняющие доступ к препаратам для лечения лекарственно-устойчивого туб...ркулеза, в том числе новым и применяющимся по новым показаниям.
Updated Guideline.
The Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) guidelines provide guidance on the most common emergency conditions in children presenting at the health facility. These include but are not limited to airway obstruction and other breathing problems; circulatory impairment or ...shock; severely altered CNS function (coma or convulsive seizures); and severe dehydration which require urgent appropriate care to prevent death.
The policy brief focuses on four key areas for intervention - air pollution, energy, transport and food systems. Air pollution causes 7 million deaths annually, and is a leading cause of both NCDs and climate change, thus all interventions to reduce air pollution have a positive impact on both human... and planetary health. In the energy sector, transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is if vital importance to improving health, with mortality rates due to coal-generated electricity 1,000 times higher than for wind-generated electricity.
Promoting active transport such as walking and cycling in place of motorised transport has the dual benefit of reducing both air pollution and physical activity. Livestock production alone accounts for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, with added emissions from food which are highly process and transported over long distances, and thus locally sourced plant based diets both prevent NCDs and promote human and planetary health.
L’hémorragie du post-partum (HPP) est communément définie comme une perte
sanguine d’au moins 500 ml survenant dans les 24 heures qui suivent l’accouchement.
Elle est la première cause de mortalité maternelle dans les pays à revenu faible
et la cause principale de près d’un décès... maternel sur quatre dans le monde. La plupart
des décès imputables à l’HPP surviennent pendant les premières 24 heures après
l’accouchement. La majorité d’entre eux pourraient être évités par l’administration
prophylactique d’utérotoniques au cours de la délivrance et une prise en charge
appropriée en temps opportun.
L’amélioration des soins aux femmes pendant l’accouchement en vue de prévenir
et traiter l’HPP est une étape essentielle vers la réalisation des objectifs du Millénaire
pour le développement. Ces recommandations ont donc pour objectif principal
de jeter les bases de l’élaboration de politiques et de programmes stratégiques
nécessaires pour garantir la mise en oeuvre pérenne d’interventions efficaces
en vue de réduire la charge mondiale de l’HPP.
The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children.
India AIDS Response Report 2014
The revised guidelines present two major changes to existing guidelines: (A) there are now just 2 categories of pneumonia instead of 3 (“pneumonia” which is treated at home with oral amoxicillin and “severe pneumonia” which requires injectable antibiotics) and (B) oral amoxicillin replaces o...ral cotrimoxazole as first line treatment, preferably in 250mg dispersible tablet form, twice daily for five days which can be reduced to three days in low HIV settings.