The Call to Action on Protection from GBV in Emergencies, formally launched in 2013 by the United Kingdom and Sweden, aims to fundamentally transform the way GBV is addressed in humanitarian operations via the collective action of numerous partners, each bringing our various strengths and capacities... to the table. Our goal is to drive change and foster accountability within the humanitarian sphere. The commitment to act and to hold ourselves accountable for action is what binds us together under the Call to Action.
Regional action plan 2019-2023
In early 2015, the Americas region began to experience a surge in migration flows due in large part to the rise of people emigrating from Venezuela in response to the country’s faltering economy. This swell in migration continued in the years following, as the number of Venezuelans living in Latin... American countries rose from an estimated 700,000 in 2015 to over 3 million by late 2018.1 As of June 2019, an estimated 4.3 million Venezuelan’s have left the country since 2015
A multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration, through a One Health approach is required to effectively prepare for, detect, assess, and respond to emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases. However, external and internal health system evaluations continue to identify major gaps in capacity ... to implement multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration within and between many countries, and countries are asking for support from the Tripartite to fill these gaps. This guide is the response to those requests.
Desta et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:38
Техническая записка;
Целью настоящей Технической записки является оказание содействия кандидатам наполучение грантов Глобального фонда при рассмотрении ...возможностей включения программ, направленных на устранение барьеров, обусловленных нарушением прав человека и гендерным неравенством, которые препятствуют получению услуг по профилактике, диагностике и лечению туберкулеза (ТБ), в запросы на финансирование, а также оказание помощивсем заинтересованным сторонам в том, чтобы программы по борьбе с ТБ обеспечивали продвижение и защиту прав человека и гендерного равенства.
SDG Factsheet: Health-focused urban design can roll back the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), making cities a bedrock for healthy lifestyles – as well as climate-friendly and resilient. WHO’s new Urban Health Initiative provides a model for the health sector to contribute to healthy ...urban planning and policies.
This report considers how to integrate health into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, so as to support the implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of the New Urban Agenda.
Eleven (11) districts in Rwanda were initially were considered most at risk of the outbreak, namely:
• Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi, Rutsiro, Rubavu (bordering DRC)
• Musanze, Burera, Gicumbi and Nyagatare (bordering Uganda)
• Kigali city (comprised of 3 localities) due to the presence of Ki...gali International Airport.
The National Contingency plan was revised in February 2019 and two districts added to the list (Nyabihu and Nyanza), bring total districts at risk to 13. During the timeframe, the operation, however covered the 11 initial districts.
NGO Social Contracting
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
Endorsed by the CCM Georgia on April 15th 2015
Accessed: 26.09.2019