WHO six-year strategy for the health sector and community capacity development.
It is estimated that around 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to essential medicines. Access to medicines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region varies among countries, depending on their income level and allocation of domestic resources to medicine and vaccine procurement. Access to safe a...nd effective antibiotics remains a major challenge, especially for low- and middleincome countries. Barriers to access include high prices for new products, weak regulatory systems, substandard and falsified antibiotics, shortages of essential antimicrobials and inefficient procurement and supply management systems.
Это учебное пособие содержит информацию о том, как спланировать обучение и содействовать работникам первичного звена медико-санитарной помощи с тем, чтобы они мог...ли уверенно проводить СКПК по вопросам употребления алкоголя среди своих пациентов. В пособии излагаются исходная информация и данные научных исследований, положенные в основу СКПК, и даются практические рекомендации по созданию программы внедрения, а также подробные учебные материалы для развития знаний и навыков участников организованных учебных занятий.
This guideline provides evidence-informed guidance on the use of non-sugar sweeteners to reduce the risk of unhealthy weight gain and diet-related noncommunicable diseases in adults and children. The guidance in this guideline is not based on toxicological assessments of the safety of individual no...n-sugar sweeteners and is therefore not intended to update or replace guidance on safe or maximal levels of intake established by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) or other authoritative bodies.
This report provides a review and analysis of the research landscape for three diseases – Chagas disease, human African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis – that disproportionately afflict poor and remote populations with limited access to health services. It represents the work of the disease re...ference group on Chagas Disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis (DRG3) which was established to identify key research priorities through review of research evidence and input from stakeholders' consultations.
The WHO health advisory provides guidance to countries on adapting all existing preparedness and response plans and procedures for natural hazards such as cyclones, tropical storms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and potential outbreaks of other diseases to their existing COVID-19 strategic prepared...ness and response plans. It advises countries to sustain all established public health and social measures to prevent and control COVID-19 while simultaneously preparing for responding to and effectively manage other disaster risks and events. It highlights WHO’s call for local, national, regional and global solidarity to support countries and communities with high levels of vulnerability to natural hazards during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus courant dans le monde et la première cause de mortalité imputable cette maladie chez les femmes. Il touche de façon disproportionnée les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. L’Initiative mondiale contre le cancer du sein met tout en œuvre pour faire... reculer la mortalité due à cette maladie de 2,5 pour cent par an, ce qui, en vingt ans, pourrait sauver 2,5 millions de vies. Cet ensemble de mesures techniques fondamentales a pour objet de définir les grandes lignes d’une voie qui mènerait à des améliorations progressives et pérennes, adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des pays et reposant sur trois stratégies et objectifs clés : promotion de la santé à l’appui d’une détection précoce, diagnostic en temps voulu et prise en charge globale du cancer du sein. Le présent document propose un cadre commun associant les décideurs politiques, les parties prenantes, le milieu hospitalier, les gestionnaires de programmes et la société civile à une démarche systématique fondée sur des données probantes susceptible de faciliter le renforcement des systèmes de santé et de diminuer les inégalités touchant à la santé des femmes tout au long de leur vie.
Revised and expanded version of the Guidelines
The goal of the global outbreak response for monkeypox is to stop human-to-human transmission of monkeypox, with a priority focus on communities at high risk of exposure which may differ according to context, and to effectively use strong public health measures to prevent onward spread of the diseas...e. Judicious use of vaccines can support this response. This interim guidance, developed with the advice and support of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) Working Group on smallpox and monkeypox vaccines, provides the first WHO recommendations on vaccines and immunization for monkeypox. Key points follow.
Guidance for health workers
Operational Guidelines for Programme Managers & Service Providers
El objetivo de esta publicación es ofrecer un enfoque práctico y gradual para la aplicación de los planes de acción nacionales sobre la RAM en el sector de la salud humana; y proporcionar un proceso y una recopilación de las herramientas existentes de la OMS para priorizar, costear, aplicar, su...pervisar y evaluar las actividades del plan de acción nacional. Los destinatarios de la publicación son las partes interesadas nacionales/subnacionales que trabajan en la RAM dentro del sector de la salud humana. Se trata de las autoridades sanitarias nacionales, los grupos de coordinación multisectorial nacionales, los expertos técnicos de alto nivel y los responsables de la formulación de políticas que participan en la ejecución de las actividades relativas a la RAM en todos los niveles del sistema de salud, y los asociados en la ejecución para acelerar la aplicación sostenible y el seguimiento y la evaluación de los planes de acción nacionales sobre la RAM.
During the first two years of the project (2019–2020), through a ‘One Health’ approach, comprehensive engagement was established with AMR coordinating committees, WHO regional and country offices and SORT IT partners in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Thirty-seven research studies were ...launched to inform AMR action plans in target country studies – local research, for local solutions, with local ownership.
All health workers deployed to measles outbreaks must complete the measles and rubella (MR) training to implement quality interventions and work safely and effectively in the field. This course provides the essential preparedness, detection, investigation, response, and recovery skills required to c...ontain the measles outbreak.
an operational guide to support all those responsible for planning and implementing the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine to refugees and migrants at national and local levels, 14 March 2022
Временные рекомендации
9 августа 2021 г.
Цель данного документа - описать минимальный набор мероприятий по эпиднадзору, рекомендуемых на национальном уровне для вы...вления и мониторинга относительной распространенности вариантов SARS-CoV-2, и наметить набор мероприятий для характеристики и оценки риска, создаваемого этими вариантами. Также приводится набор показателей для стандартизации мониторинга и публичной отчетности о циркуляции вариантов.
Документ предназначен в первую очередь для национальных и субнациональных органов здравоохранения и партнеров, поддерживающих внедрение эпиднадзора за вариантами SARS-CoV-2.
This interim guidance is for LTCF managers and corresponding infection prevention and control (IPC) focal persons in LTCF and updates the guidance published in March 2020. The objective of this document is to provide guidance on IPC in LTCFs in the context of COVID-19 to 1) prevent COVID-19-virus fr...om entering the facility and spreading within the facility, and 2) to support safe conditions for visiting through the rigorous application of IPC procedures for the residents’ well-being. WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available.
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