A Supplement to Infection Prevention:
A Reference Booklet for Health Care Providers
Section 2, Counseling and Communicating with Men, focuses on strengthening service providers' ability to interact with, communicate with, and counsel men—with or without their partners—on reproductive health issues. Topics include counseling and communication approaches, provider biases toward a...nd against men that may need to be addressed, and effective communication and counseling techniques.
Section 3, Management of Men's Reproductive Health Problems, provides information to clinicians and other service providers in diagnosing and managing reproductive health disorders in men. Topics include disorders of the male reproductive system, including infertility and sexually transmitted i...nfections; sexual and reproductive history assessment; and step-by-step instructions for performing a genital examination.
This checklist of essential emergency equipment for resuscitation describes minimum requirements for emergency and essential surgical care at the first referral health facility
The Virtual Microscope is a full-fledged simulation that allows users to select and position slides, adjust lighting, magnification and focus, and measure specimens. A narrated demonstration is available to guide students through the steps required to bring a specimen into focus. There is also a che...cklist that indicates which steps have been completed successfully
Document on key points needed to design, manage, deliver and evaluate training
You can also find a spanish and french version here: http://reprolineplus.org/resources/training-works-what-you-need-know-about-managing-designing-delivering-and-evaluating-group
This World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) joint guidelines production aims at harnessing the contribution of employers and workers towards the control of TB. It covers all the practical steps involved in establishing TB control activities, including (for la...rge employers) starting and running a workplace TB control programme. They are intended for use in all countries in which TB incidence is high and the target audience for the guidelines includes employers, employee organizations, NTP managers, and agencies providing technical support for TB control.
Halte à la tuberculose.
Maladies transmissibles.
Asylum and Migration Working Paper 1
VIH/SIDA dans l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Burkina Faso 2003
Au cours de l’Enquête Démographique et
de Santé du Burkina Faso (EDSBF) 2003,
8 559 personnes ont été testées pour le VIH.
D’après l’enquête, 1,8 % des adultes sont infectés par le VIH.
Chaque année dans le monde, plus de 500 000 femmes et filles meurent suite aux complications imputables à la
grossesse et à l’accouchement. Plus de 99% de ces décès surviennent dans des pays comme le Bénin. Et pourtant les
décès maternels ne racontent qu’une partie de la vérité. En e...ffet, pour chaque femme ou fille qui meurt de causes
imputables à la grossesse, il existe environ 20 à 30 en plus qui souffriront d’invalidités à court et à long termes,
telles que les fistules obstétricales, les ruptures utérines ou salpingite
Developed in collaboration with the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)