Document d’information scientifique
24 avril 2020
Le développement d’une immunité face à un agent pathogène à la suite d’une infection naturelle comporte plusieurs étapes et prend généralement une à deux semaines. Une infection virale entraîne immédiatement une réponse immunit...aire innée, non spécifique, au cours de laquelle les macrophages, les neutrophiles et les cellules dendritiques ralentissent la progression du virus et peuvent même éviter l’apparition de symptômes. Cette réponse non spécifique est suivie d’une réponse adaptative, au cours de laquelle l’organisme produit des anticorps qui se lient spécifiquement au virus. Ces anticorps sont des protéines appelées immunoglobulines. L’organisme produit également des lymphocytes T qui reconnaissent et éliminent les cellules infectées par le virus. Cette réponse adaptative permet parfois d’éliminer le virus de l’organisme et, si elle est suffisamment forte, d’éviter l’aggravation de la maladie ou la réinfection par le même virus. Ce processus est souvent mesuré par la présence d’anticorps dans le sang.
The role of environmental contamination in transmission of COVID-19 virus is currently not clear. This protocol has been designed to determine (viable) virus presence and persistence on fomites in various locations where a patient infected with COVID-19 is currently receiving care or being isolated,... and to understand how this may relate to COVID-19 transmission events in these settings. It is therefore important that it is done as part of a comprehensive outbreak investigation and that information obtained by environmental studies is combined with the results of epidemiological, laboratory and sequence data from COVID-19 patient investigations.
Millions of children are at increased risk of harm as their lives move increasingly online during lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF and partners said today.
“The coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented rise in screen time,” said Global Partnership to End Violence Executive Dire...ctor Dr. Howard Taylor. “School closures and strict containment measures mean more and more families are relying on technology and digital solutions to keep children learning, entertained and connected to the outside world, but not all children have the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to keep themselves safe online.”
April 2020
Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children,
persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees,
migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree
of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people
become even more vulnerable in emergencies.1 This is due
to factors as their lack of access to effective surveillance
and early-warning systems, and health services. The
COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to have significant impacts
on various sectors.
The populations most at risk are those that:
• depend heavily on the informal economy;
• occupy areas prone to shocks;
• have inadequate access to social services or political
• have limited capacities and opportunities to cope and
adapt and;
• limited or no access to technologies.
By understanding these issues, we can support the capacity
of vulnerable populations in emergencies. We can give
them priority assistance, and engage them in decision-making
processes for response, recovery, preparedness, and
risk reduction.
Ce document met en évidence nos objectifs stratégiques, nos pays prioritaires et nos besoins de financement pour les six premiers mois.
COVID-19 est une crise sans précédents. L’impact sur les filles et les garçons que nous soutenons est potentiellement dévastateur, car ceux qui protègen...t et s’occupent des enfants succombent à la maladie et les services essentiels sont interrompus. Cette crise affecte la vie de nos donateurs, de notre personnel et de nos proches. Pourtant, comme en de nombreuses occasions dans notre histoire, c’est en période de crise que Vision Mondiale révèle son meilleur potentiel.
Thematic Report– 3 April 2020
ACAPS Risk Analysis: COVID19
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is an essential component of your health emergency preparedness and response action plan. This tool is designed to support risk communication, community engagement staff and responders working with national health authorities, and other partners to ...develop, implement and monitor an effective action plan for communicating effectively with the public, engaging with communities, local partners and other stakeholders to help prepare and protect individuals, families and the public’s health during early response to COVID-19.