1. What do we mean by ‘psychosocial support (PSS)? | 2. What are the basic principles of psychosocial support for UNICEF? | 3. In what types of situations does UNICEF address psychosocial support? | 4. Are there certain psychosocial interventions in which UNICEF should not normally seek to inves...t? | 5. Are there any types of interventions we should discourage? | 6. Should UNICEF support one-to-one counselling? In what situations might this be appropriate? | 7. When should children be referred for professional mental health support? | 8. Should we avoid using the term “traumatised” when referring to children? | 9. How do we assess the type or response needed a) for quick, short term action? b) for medium-long term interventions? | 10. How can caregivers and professionals who have themselves experienced the same crises or exposures provide psychosocial support to children? | 11. What materials and tools are recommended to support and monitor PSS interventions? Where can these be obtained?
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Pediatric Urology in Indonesia
Guidelines for Diagnosis & Management of Asthma in Indonesia
In aquaculture, antibiotics have been used mainly for therapeutic purposes and as prophylactic agents. The contribution to antimicrobial resistance of antibiotics used in aquaculture is reviewed here, using a risk analysis framework. Some recommendations on responsible conduct in this context are pr...oposed, aimed at diminishing the threat of build up of antimicrobial resistance.
Large File 54 MB!!! Please download from the website link http://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/publications/tr-06-33/at_download/document
Эти публикации представляют собой серию справочных пособий, специально адресованных различным группам специалистов и социальных работников, имеющих отношение к ...работе по предотвращению самоубийств. Они подготовлены в рамках программы SUPRE (Предотвращение самоубийств), глобальной инициативы ВОЗ по предотвращению самоубийств.
Инструмент Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения для Оценки Систем Психического Здоровья
(ИОСПЗ-ВОЗ) представляет собой новый инструмент, предназначенный для с...ора основной
информации о системе психического здоровья в стране или регионе. Целью сбора такой
информации является улучшение систем охраны психического здоровья и оказания
психиатрической помощи. В ИОСПЗ-ВОЗ система психического здоровья определяется как
совокупность всех видов деятельности, основной целью которой является пропаганда,
восстановление или поддержание психического здоровья. Система психического здоровья
включает все организации и ресурсы, нацеленные на улучшение психического здоровья.
Combination file of all the documents related to the national guidelines for accreditation, supervision and regulation of ART clinics in India. Documents included:
National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision & Regulation of ART Clinics in India | Preliminary Pages | Corrigendum | Chapter 1 ...- Introduction, Brief history of ART and Requirement of ART Clinics | Chapter 2 - Screening of Patients for ART - Selection Criteria and Possible Complications | Chapter 3 - Code of Practice, Ethical Considerations and Legal Issues | Chapter 4 - Sample Consent Forms | Chapter 5 - Training | Chapter 6 - Future Research Prospects | Chapter 7 - Providing ART Services to the Economically Weaker Sections of the Society | Chapter 8 - Establishing a National Database for Human Infertility | Chapter 9 - Composition of the National Accreditation Committee | Bibliography
| Members of the Expert Group for Formulating the National Guidelines for Accredation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics
These guidelines are intended to help diverse actors, including donors and program implementers, develop and fund the programs to help landmine victims heal, recover and resume their roles as productive and contributing members of their societies. Intended to address the care and rehabilitation of t...hose victims who have suffered physical injury from landmines, many of the recommendations apply as well to support for other persons with disabilities