Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11
Access to controlled medicines. 3rd edition
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs when a child is exposed to one or more events that are unexpected, uncontrollable, life-threatening, and likely to cause serious harm or injury to himself/herself or someone significantly important to the child. In response, th...e child experiences fear, hopelessness, or horror and responds with a characteristic set of physiological and psychological reactions, which perpetuates the overwhelming and confusing feelings. Symptoms are characterized into three groups: persistent, intrusive re-experiencing of traumatic recollections; avoidance of reminders/numbing; and increased arousal.
MOH clinical practice guidelines
MEASURE Evaluation PRH Working Paper Series
This booklet shows what disability inclusive development for poverty alleviation looks like in a range of settings and with different challenges through eight case studies of projects funded by CBM Australia through the Australian Government NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
UNAIDS/10.03E / JC1767E (English original, March 2010) ISBN 978 92 9 173849 6
Identified through evaluation of the response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009