L’ampleur de la résistance aux insecticides chez les vecteurs du paludisme met en péril l’efficacité des programmes de lutte anti-vectorielle. Si cette résistance n’est pas atténuée, le taux de morbidité palustre va s’accroître, entraînant une hausse significative des coûts liés ... la prévention de la maladie. Ce nouveau cadre est un guide pour l’élaboration d’un plan national de suivi et de gestion de la résistance aux insecticides chez les vecteurs du paludisme, lequel doit considéré comme partie intégrante du plan stratégique national de lutte contre le paludisme.
Advances have been made through expanded interventions delivered through five public health approaches: innovative and intensified disease management; preventive chemotherapy; vector ecology and management; veterinary public health services; and the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. I...n 2015 alone nearly one billion people were treated for at least one disease and significant gains were achieved in relieving the symptoms and consequences of diseases for which effective tools are scarce; important reductions were achieved in the number of new cases of sleeping sickness, of visceral leishmaniasis in South-East Asia and also of Buruli ulcer.
The report also considers vector control strategies and discusses the importance of the draft WHO Global Vector Control Response 2017–2030.
Les déchets générés par les activités de soins de santé, depuis les aiguilles infectées jusqu'aux isotopes radioactifs, peuvent être source d'infection ou de blessures et leur gestion inadéquate peut avoir des conséquences sérieuses pour la santé publique et des effets délétères sur l...'environnement.
Ce document souligne les aspects clés de la gestion sécurisée des déchets médicaux afin de guider les décideurs politiques, les praticiens et les gestionnaires des centres afin d’améliorer ces services dans les établissements de santé.
The WHO South-East Asia (SEA) Region bears a high burden of tuberculosis (TB) and MDR-TB. In 2015, the Region accounted for nearly 200 000 or 35% of the global estimated new RR/MDR-TB cases eligible for treatment. Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDRTB) has also been reported from s...ix countries of the SEA Region. MDR-TB could potentially replace drug-susceptible TB, and constitutes a threat to global public health security. The South- East Asia Regional Response Framework for DR-TB 2017–2021 complements the Ending TB in the South-East Asia Region: Regional Strategic Plan 2016–2020” and outlines key strategies for reducing morbidity, mortality and transmission of DR-TB.
This report aims to raise awareness about the role that the reform of public health laws can play in advancing the right to health and in creating the conditions for people to live healthy lives. By encouraging a better understanding of how public health law can be used to improve the health of the ...population, the report aims to encourage and assist governments to reform their public health laws in order to advance the right to health.
The report highlights important issues that may arise during the process of public health law reform. It provides guidance about issues and requirements to be addressed during the process of developing public health laws. It also includes case studies and examples of legislation from a variety of countries to illustrate effective law reform practices and some features of effective public health legislation.
The purpose of this Emergency Response Framework (ERF) is to clarify WHO’s roles and responsibilities in this regard and to provide a common approach for its work in emergencies. Ultimately, the ERF requires WHO to act with urgency and predictability to best serve and be accountable to populations... affected by emergencies.
The Impact of the Zika Outbreak on Women and Girls in Northeastern Brazil
Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 112
The Essential Health Benefit (EHB) is known as Essential Health Care Package (EHCP) in Swaziland. This desk review provides evidence on the experience of EHCPs in Swaziland and includes available po...licy documents and research reports.
“The children are psychologically crushed and tired.
When we do activities like singing with them, they
don’t respond at all. They don’t laugh like they
would normally. They draw images of children
being butchered in the war, or tanks, or the siege
and the lack of food.”
Teacher in the... besieged town of Madaya to Save the Children
This guidance document sets out a methodology to identify and track financing to the WASH sector in a coherent and consistent manner across several countries. It is designed to help countries track financing to the WASH sector on a regular and comparable basis and analyse this information to support... evidence-based policy-making based on useful indicators.
The goal of this Global Action Plan is to articulate synergistic actions that will be required to prevent HIVDR from undermining efforts to achieve global targets on health and HIV, and to provide the most effective treatment to all people living with HIV including adults, key populations, pregnant ...and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. The Global Action Plan has five strategic objectives: 1) prevention and response; 2) monitoring and surveillance; 3) research and innovation; 4) laboratory capacity; and 5) governance and enabling mechanisms.
Every day, health-care providers are being attacked, patients discriminated against, ambulances held up at checkpoints, hospitals bombed, medical supplies looted and entire communities cut off from critical services around the world.
Between January 2012 and December 2014, the ICRC documented n...early 2,400 violent incidents against health care in 11 countries experiencing armed conflict or other violence. In over 90% of cases, local health-care providers were affected, seriously threatening the effectiveness and sustainability of national health-care systems. These numbers might well just be the tip of the iceberg
Le panorama du paludisme a profondement changé durant la dernière décénnie. Les financements ont augmenté, les outils permettant de sauver des vies ont été mis en œuvre à plus grande échelle, la charge du paludisme a diminué et un nombre grandissant de pays envisagent son élimination.
Ce cadre actualisé fait le point sur les outils, les activités et les stratégies nécessaires pour atteindre l'élimination du paludisme et empêcher la reprise de la transmission dans les pays, quelle que soit l'étape à laquelle ils se trouvent sur la route menant à l'élimination ou l’intensité de la transmission. Le cadre est destiné à servir de référence pour élaborer des plans stratégiques d’élimination du paludisme au niveau national et doit être adapté aux contextes locaux.
The objective of this project was to list the medical devices required to provide the essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health interventions defined by existing WHO guidelines and publications, in order to improve access to these devices in low- and middle-income countries, support... quality of care, and strengthen health-care system. The medical devices are allocated across the reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health continuum of care according to the level of health-care delivery.
Expanding access to quality health services through task sharing
Since December 2016, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has affected Peru, causing heavy rainfall, floods, landslides, hail and electric storms. Although the impact has been particularly serious in the northern coastal regions, levels of affectation are reported in all 24 of the country’s de...partments.