This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. By using remote methods, agencies will be able to safeguard... the health of their own and their partners’ staff and volunteers, while still ensuring that communities receive accurate, up-to-date information as well as having access to communication channels which allow them to provide feedback and share their concerns and worries.
The Covid-19 pandemic has the significant potential to affect the quality and scale up of nutrition, health and other lifesaving interventions. The restrictions on mobility and recommendations on social distancing will affect the way we work in our nutrition programmes and measures are needed to mit...igate the potential negative impact.
Several countries have demonstrated that COVID-19 transmission from one person to another can be slowed or stopped. This document has been prepared based on the evidence currently available about Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission (human-to-human transmission primarily via respiratory... droplets from, or direct contact with, an infected person), and is designed to ensure that the accommodation sector can protect the health of its staff and clients.
Distributing immediate, lifesaving assistance is one of the most urgent actions in an emergency response and can significantly improve the safety and wellbeing of individuals. Non-Food Items (NFI), Food Security, WASH and Shelter in-kind assistance actors can help reduce and mitigate pr...otection risks to individuals and communities when conducting distributions.
This guidance note developed by UNICEF is intended to help WASH staff in their preparedness and response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. It provides an overview of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and its intersection with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and how staff can help prevent ...infection and its spread in schools, whether through human-to-human or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. WASH services, including waste management and environmental cleaning, are all important for IPC. This brief is available in English, Spanish, and French here.
This policy brief has been developed in response to the contemporary challenge of antibiotic resistance (ABR). ABR poses a formidable threat to global health and sustainable development. It is now increasingly recognized that the systematic neglect of cultural factors is one of the biggest obs...tacles to achieving better health outcomes and better standards of living worldwide. Using a cultural contexts of health approach, the policy brief explores the centrality of culture to the challenge of ABR. The brief examines how the prescription and use of antibacterial medicines, the transmission of resistance, and the regulation and funding of research are influenced by cultural, social and commercial, as well as biological and technological factors. The brief moves beyond the ready equation of culture with individual behaviours and demonstrates how culture serve as an enabler of health and provide new possibilities for change.
Across the Western Pacific Region COVID-19 is placing enormous strain on health and economic systems apart from direct threats to personal health safety and livelihood the pandemic also has significant implications on mental health and psychosocial well being adversity is an established risk factor ...for mental health problems thus the impact of COVID-19 on mental health is expected to be large diverse and far reaching mental health and psychosocial support mhpss are essential components of a public health response to COVID-19 this guidance note provides 10 activities that may be integrated in national COVID-19 response and mitigation plans
A comprehensive briefing by Half of Syria
April 2020
A comprehensive briefing on the critical challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to Syrians, as reported by Syrian civil society organisations. These challenges have been collated following extensive interviews with the teams of member and partner... organisations working in the field in various sectors: health, child care, education, women’s empowerment, media and culture, research, human rights and accountability, relief and social services, and local governance.
This comprehensive briefing also include concrete recommendations formulated by the Syrian civil society.
24 апреля 2020 г.
Рекомендации в отношении политики для Европейского региона ВОЗ
В настоящем документе описаны основные факторы, которые государствам-членам реком...ндуется
учитывать, принимая решения относительно коррекции масштабных ограничительных мер в области охраны общественного здоровья (таких как, например, ограничение свободы передвижения и повсеместное введение правила о физическом дистанцировании) и одновременного укрепления базового потенциала служб общественного здравоохранения (выявление, изоляция, тестирование и лечение всех пациентов и помещение в карантин всех лиц, с которыми они контактировали), мер личной защиты (гигиена рук и респираторный этикет) и норм личного физического дистанцирования (дистанция между людьми более одного метра). Переходный процесс должен осуществляться с учетом результатов оценки рисков, которую необходимо проводить на национальном, субнациональном и даже районном уровне, поскольку передача инфекции COVID-19
внутри одной и той же страны, как правило, носит неоднородный характер.
9 April 2020
WHO has published the guidance “Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) when COVID-19 disease is suspected” This document is intended for clinicians taking care of hospitalized adult and paediatric patients with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) whe...n COVID-19 infection is suspected. Optimized supportive care should be provided to ensure the best possible chance for survival of COVID-19 patients as described in the WHO guidance:
1. Management of severe COVID-19 requires oxygen therapy and monitoring. Supplemental oxygen therapy should be given immediately to patients with SARI and respiratory distress, hypoxaemia or shock.
2. Management of critical COVID-19 (acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)) requires advanced oxygen/ventilatory support.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 1025
Orientations provisoires
29 février 2020
Le présent document vise à donner aux États Membres des orientations sur les mesures de placement en quarantaine des personnes dans le contexte de la COVID-19. Il s’adresse à toutes celles et tous ceux qui sont chargés de définir la politique lo...cale ou nationale relative au placement en quarantaine des personnes et de faire respecter les mesures de lutte anti-infectieuse.