The guidelines acknowledge that overcrowding, unhygienic conditions and high inmate turn over contribute to the spread of infectious diseases within correctional facilities. The document states that voluntary HIV counselling and testing must be offered to all inmates when they enter facilities, their incarceration at an inmate’s request and upon their release. All inmates must be screened for TB symptoms upon entry to facilities and at least bi-annually thereafter as well as upon release. Universal screening for anal, oral and genital STIs must be done at entry and upon self-presentation
Prise en charge des affections courantes de l'enfance. 2ième edition
Ce mémento est destiné aux médecins, au personnel infirmier et autres professionnels de santé responsables des soins administrés aux jeunes enfants au premier niveau de recours.
Il est conçu pour être utilisé pour les s...oins des enfants hospitalisés et des enfants vus en ambulatoire dans les petits hôpitaux qui disposent des services de laboratoire et des médicaments essentiels de base.
A Smart Phone and tablet application ist avaiable from the Apply or Google Play Store
Special attention is drawn to the following sections, which are particulary relevant within the COVID-19 context:
Chapter 4: information on cough and difficulty in breathing, pneumonia and bronchiolitis;
Chapter 10: information on essential supportive care including feeding, fluid and oxygen provision;
Annex 1: information on related practical procedures.
The Perinatal Mental Health Project (PMHP) provides training to health
workers and community-based workers involved in caring for mothers. This
handbook is intended as a supplement to this training programme and as a
resource to anyone involved with mothers and mothers-to-be.
The handbook should... be used in an active way: use it and add to it as best
suits your local setting. The intended outcome of this handbook is to improve
the quality of service offered to women in emotional distress and to
meet the needs of maternal health workers, like you, who want to be better
equipped in this task.
The handbook covers a range of topics. Each chapter has a clear set of
learning objectives and a summary. Some chapters include practical activities
which should help with linking the theory with your practice.
The aim of the SATG was to produce a triage scale for use throughout South Africa. The group was multi-disciplinary and comprised doctors, nurses and paramedics. The result of the SATG’s activities is the South African Triage Scale (SATS), a physiology and symptom based scale which prioritises int...o one of four colours and can be used in hospital Emergency Centres as well as in the pre-hospital setting. The SATS has been validated in the public, private health care setting as well as pre-hospital.
HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations
An Update will be published in late 2018
This 10th edition of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s annual Financing Global Health report provides the most up-to-date estimates of development assistance for health, domestic spending on health, health spending on two key infectious diseases – malaria and HIV/AIDS – and fut...ure scenarios of health spending. Several transitions in global health financing inform this report: the influence of economic development on the composition of health spending; the emergence of other sources of development assistance funds and initiatives; and the increased availability of disease-specific funding data for the global health community. For funders and policymakers with sights on achieving 2030 global health goals, these estimates are of critical importance. They can be used for identifying funding gaps, evaluating the allocation of scarce resources, and comparing funding across time and countries.
L’ulcère de Buruli, une infection causée par Mycobacterium ulcerans, touche plus de 33 pays dans le monde, mais un peu moins de la moitié seulement de ces pays communiquent régulièrement des données sur la maladie à l’OMS.