To test for ethnic discrimination in access to outpatient health care services, we carry out
an email-correspondence study in Germany. We approach 3,224 physician offices in the 79
largest cities in Germany with fictitious appointment requests and randomized patients’
characteristics. We find t...hat patients’ ethnicity, as signaled by distinct Turkish versus Ger-
man names, does not affect whether they receive an appointment or wait time. In contrast,
patients with private insurance are 31 percent more likely to receive an appointment. Hold-
ing a private insurance also increases the likelihood of receiving a response and reduces the
wait time. This suggests that physicians use leeway to prioritize privately insured patients
to enhance their earnings, but they do not discriminate persons of Turkish origin based
on taste. Still, their behavior creates means-based barriers for economically disadvantaged
Em janeiro de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou o surto da doença do novo coronavírus como Emergência de Saúde Pública de Importância Internacional. A OMS afirmou que havia um alto risco de que a doença do coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) se espalhasse por outros países no m...undo todo. Em março de 2020, a OMS avaliou que a COVID-19 podia ser caracterizada como pandemia. A OMS e autoridades de saúde pública no mundo todo estão agindo para conter o surto da COVID-19. Entretanto, essa crise está gerando estresse na população. Essas considerações de saúde mental foram desenvolvidas pelo Departamento de Saúde Mental e Uso de Substâncias da OMS como uma série de mensagens dirigidas a diferentes grupos para apoiar o bem-estar mental e psicossocial durante o surto de COVID-19.
The Lancet Volume 397, ISSUE 10269, P129-170, January 09, 2021
Every day, health-care providers are being attacked, patients discriminated against, ambulances held up at checkpoints, hospitals bombed, medical supplies looted and entire communities cut off from critical services around the world.
Between January 2012 and December 2014, the ICRC documented n...early 2,400 violent incidents against health care in 11 countries experiencing armed conflict or other violence. In over 90% of cases, local health-care providers were affected, seriously threatening the effectiveness and sustainability of national health-care systems. These numbers might well just be the tip of the iceberg
A Booklet on Women and HIV/AIDS for Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Members of Self-help Groups (SHGs)
Version 2
This research aims to identify a core set of clinical skills for working in
a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) setting, and to discuss whether they are appropriate for task shifting to a new or an alternative cadre of rehabilitation workers.
Anti-stigma programs have exploded in the United States as well as across
the world in the past decade. Now needed is a more strategic approach to stigma
change, consideration of evaluation strategies that demonstrate its effectiveness.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have newly developed "Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines" for health and psychosocial providers in humanitarian settings - “CCS Guidelines”. The CCS Guidelines are based on global and evidence-based field practice, and bring a much-needed fresh and practical approach to helping child survivors, and their families, recover and heal from the oftentimes devastating impacts of sexual abuse. The guidelines walk the reader through the core knowledge, attitude and skill competencies required for service providers to effectively care for children and families affected by sexual abuse. In addition, the guidelines outline how to provide case management and basic psychosocial care for child survivors, as well as best practices for coordinating care.
The guidance aspires
• To emphasize the 'need' to mainstream disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the health sector initiatives.
• To identify key approaches for mainstreaming DRR in the health sector in Myanmar, particularly in rural areas, based on the good practices, innovative and lessons learned of Government, UN agencies, NGOs and others involved in the Cyclone Nargis recovery.
• Identify key ‘vulnerabilities and opportunities’ for creating a ‘safer health system’ in Myanmar.
No publication year indicated.
This publication makes the case for working with men and women, boys and girls, together in an intentional and mutually reinforcing way that challenges gender norms in the pursuit of improved health and gender equality. In addition to providing a definition for the new concept of gender synchronizat...ion, this document provides examples of synchronized approaches that have worked first with women and girls, or first with men and boys, and describes interventions that have worked with both sexes from the start. It also provides examples of new and emerging programs that should be watched in the coming years for the knowledge they may contribute to the implementation of gender synchronization.
Protecting Migrants or Reversing Migration? COVID-19 and the risks of a protracted crisis in Latin America