Cancer centres are a major resource in ensuring a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment and its planning. As part of a new roadmap developed by WHO and IAEA to help countries design national cancer control programmes, this publication proposes a framework to develop a cancer centre and/or to st...rengthen the provision of services in an existing cancer centre. The publication provides the features of multidisciplinary cancer care and details the infrastructure, human resources and equipment for different services. This framework is expected to be used as a guide to implementation, taking into consideration the local context and resources.
A practical and instructive guide to the ways that effective supervision can be used to promote continuing improvements in the performance of health workers. Noting that most supervisors are assigned responsibility without sufficient training, the book attempts to give the concept of supervision a p...recise meaning set out in a series of tasks, priorities, timetables, checklists, and instruments for assessment. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the crucial distinction between spot inspections and the kind of well-planned supervision that encourages health professionals to take pride in their work and strive to improve
The Ministry of Health, through the Zimbabwe Essential Drugs Action Programme, has produced this module for use by primary health care workers in Zimbabwe. The module aims to provide the minimum necessary knowledge for a nurse at a primary care unit. This material may also be used for the training o...f other workers.
The module aims to provide the minimum necessary knowledge for a nurse at a primary care unit. This material may also be used for the training of other workers.
The aim of this document is to contribute to the enhacement of hospital managment by improving the quality of annual hospital reports.
TheoreticalMedicine 6 (1985), 281-294. 0167-9902/85.10
Le développement des peuples, tout particulièrement de ceux qui s'efforcent d'échapper à la faim, a la misère, auxmaladie endémiques, à l'ignorance; qui cherchent une participation plus large aux fruits de la civilisation, une mise envaleur plus active de leurs qualités humaines; qui s'orien...tent avec décision vers leur plein épanouissement, est considéréavec attention par l'Eglise. Au lendemain du deuxième Concile œcuménique du Vatican, une prise de consciencerenouvelée des exigences du message évangélique lui fait un devoir de se mettre au service des hommes pour les aiderà saisir toutes les dimensions de ce grave problème et pour les convaincre de l'urgence d'une action solidaire en cetournant décisif de l'histoire de l'humanité.
The progressive development of peoples is an object of deep interest and concern to the Church. This is particularly true in the case of those peoples who are trying to escape the ravages of hunger, poverty, endemic disease and ignorance; of those who are seeking a larger share in the benefits of ci...vilization and a more active improvement of their human qualities; of those who are consciously striving for fuller growth.