39 examples of field practices, and learnings from 20 countries, for all phases of humanitarian response. The report shows that deliberate and proactive action is required to ensure that persons with disabilities from all constituencies are systematically included and meaningfully participate in DRR... and humanitarian preparedness, response and recovery. It draws lessons from field practices, but does not provide technical guidance. The newly published IASC Guidelines are the reference document to seek in-depth theoretical and technical information.
167,607 dengue cases, including 720 deaths, reported from 1 January to 27 July 2019: 97% higher than in 2018, in spite of a delayed rainy season.
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 0.43% as of 27 July 2019 is lower than in the same time period in 2018 (0.54%), but still significantly higher than the reg...ional average of 0.22% in the Western Pacific.
The Philippines Department of Health (DOH) declared a National Dengue Epidemic on 6 August 2019, urging all regional DOH offices to step up dengue surveillance, case management and outbreak re-sponse, clean-up drives, and vector control in health facilities and communities, conduct Sabayang 4-O’Clock Habit Para sa Deng-Get Out focusing on search and destroy of mosquito breeding sites, and to enable LGUs to use their quick response funds to help address the epidemic.
According to official figures from Migración Colombia by the end of June 2019, there were more than 1.4 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants living in Colombia. The majority of people have settled in the border departments of La Guajira and Norte de Santander, continuing to cities along the Car...ibbean coast, or larger cities inland such as Medellin and Bogotá. Significant numbers of Venezuelans continue to cross Colombia by foot, heading for larger cities with more opportunities and better services or towards the southern border with Ecuador to continue their onward journey to a third country. Refugees and migrants arrive in Colombia with immediate humanitarian needs including access to safe accommodation, food, basic health care, but the prolonged nature of their displacement also requires longer term solutions including access to formal employment, education and social integration. The Interagency Group for Mixed Migration Flows (GIFMM) works closely with the Government at both the national level, and across 11 of the most affected departments, to deliver direct emergency assistance, protection, socio-economic integration activities and seeks to build the capacity of the host government.
One billion people around the world live with disabilities. This report makes the case that they are being “left behind” in the global community’s work on health. This lack of access not only violates the rights of people with disabilities under international law, but UHC and SDG 3 cannot be a...ttained without better health services for the one billion people with disabilities.
In South Africa, young women and girls are exposed to extremely high levels of gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV infection. Given the links between the two epidemics, it is important that HIV prevention programmes also address violence against women and children. The Global Fund’s Young Women an...d Girls (YWG) programme is a multi-pronged HIV prevention programme targeting young women and girls and was implemented in 10 districts in South Africa from April 2016 to March 2019. This briefing paper reports on the lessons learnt from a process evaluation of the child protection component of the programme
The present report, which covers the period from January to December 2018, is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2427 (2018). The preparation of the report involved broad consultations within the United Nations, in the field and at Headquarters, and with relevant Member States. It hig...hlights global trends regarding the impact of armed conflict on children and provides information on violations committed from January to December 2018, as well as related protection concerns. Where possible, violations are attributed to parties to conflict and, pursuant to resolutions of the Council, the annexes to the present report include a list of parties that, in violation of international law, engage in the recruitment and use of children, the killing and maiming of children, rape and other forms of sexual violence against children, attacks on schools and/or hospitals and attacks or threats of attacks against protected personnel,1 and the abduction of children.
The National Guideline for Neonatal Care and Establishment of Neonatal Care Unit aims to provide health workers with all basics and necessary knowledge and skills to provide appropriate care at the most vulnerable period in a newborn’s life. This guideline will be available to all health facilitie...s as a reference book for health workers. The book contains up-to-date evidence-based information and management of newborns with a range of needs in the initial newborn period
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) was established by the Council of Europe. It is an independent body which ensures respect for human rights in the fight against racism, discrimination (based on "race", ethnic/national origin, colour, nationality, religion, language, sexu...al orientation and gender identity), xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. The members of the Commission shall be independent and impartial. They shall be appointed on the basis of their moral authority and recognised expertise in matters of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. As part of its statutory mandate, ECRI produces country reports for each country which analyse the situation regarding racism and intolerance in each member State of the Council of Europe and make proposals to resolve the problems identified.
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Since the beginning of December a significant increase in the incidence of new cases has been observed particularly along the corridor towards the large urban center of Butembo (health zones of Butembo and Katwa) and beyond in the zone of Kayna health center located about 150 km from Goma. In additi...on, active outbreaks have emerged to the north, particularly in the health zones of Komanda and Oicha.
The third strategic response plan (SRP-3), which covers February through end July 2019, considers the salient points and recommendations made during the operational review of the implementation of the SRP-2 and other guidance based on lessons learned and risk analysis.
This SOP describes specific step by step procedures in clinical management like OPD, IPD Housekeeping, Emergency services, OT services, Radiology Services & Pathology services. It should be used as a hands-on reference for service providers providing services, thereby helping to standardize the prac...tice in all hospitals, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the quality & standard patient care. The manual may also be used as a reference for health service providers for effective health management.
(Advance unedited version)
The core of the strategy is the goal for all patients to have better overall care, so that the numbers of deaths and cases of disability are reduced by 50% before 2030. For this to be achieved, four strategic aims will be pursued.
Empower and engage communities,
Ensure safe, effective tre...atment,
Strengthen health systems, and
Increase partnerships, coordination and resources Strong collaboration
NICE guideline | This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve quality of life by reducing symptoms of PTSD such as anxiety, sleep problems and difficulties with concentration. Recommendations ...also aim to raise awareness of the condition and improve coordination of care.
The revised guidelines contain recommendations for specific administrative, environmental controls and respiratory protection, following the assessment made by an external group of experts convened as members of the Guideline Development Group. Moreover, these guidelines focus on interventions speci...fic to preventing transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bridging with the core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the national and acute health care facility level
Levels of humanitarian need continue to stagger in Yemen. Fighting sporadically escalated in different parts of the country leading to spikes in displacement and civilian casualties. As of May some 36,506 families have been displaced across Yemen since the beginning of the year. Hajjah is one of the... most conflict-affected govern orates in Yemen.Between February and May, fighting displaced 33,949 families (about203,694 people). Displaced families are scattered across more than 300sites. In the face of such displacement, UNFPA has scaled up its response and developed preparedness plans to respond to any future large-scale displacement. Through the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), led byUNFPA, 30,504 families were provided wither kits. UNFPA is also supporting 12 health facilities in Hajjah to provide lifesaving reproductive health services.