Essential obstetric and newborn care is designed as a tool to help protect mothers and their children in adverse environments. It is intended for midwives, doctors with obstetrics training, and health care personnel who deal with obstetric emergencies.
Practical guide for doctors, nurses,laboratory technicians, medical auxiliaries,water and sanitation specialists and logisticians
Ce guide clinique et thérapeutique s’adresse aux professionnels de santé impliqués dans les soins curatifs au niveau des dispensaires et des hôpitaux. Nous avons essayé de répondre le plus simplement possible aux questions et problèmes auxquels est confronté le personnel de santé par des pratiques, conciliant l’expérience acquise sur le terrain par Médecins Sans Frontières, les recommandations des organismes de référence tels que l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et celles des ouvrages spécialisés en la matière.
Esta guía va dirigida a los profesionales de la salud que proporcionan asistencia curativa en dispensarios y hospitales. Hemos intentado responder a las preguntas y problemas con los que se enfrenta el personal sanitario, procurando dar soluciones prácticas y aunando la experiencia adquirida por M...édicos Sin Fronteras en el terreno, las recomendaciones de organismos de referencia como la Organización Mundial de la Salud y aquellas obras especializadas en la materia.
This diagnostic and treatment manual is designed for use by medical professionals involved in curative care at the dispensary and hospital levels. We have tried to respond in the simplest and most practical way possible to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulate...d field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized works in each field.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic
This Guideline, the first for the country, draws from national health sector reforms and integration agenda as outlined in the key national strategic documents. The Guide applies lessons learnt from the SRH/HIV Linkages project and its scale-up; other national experiences and from regional and globa...l evidence and guidance on high-impact interventions that promote sustainable, equitable and effective delivery of health services to achieve Universal Health coverage.
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide is a stress management guide for coping with adversity. The guide aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. A few minutes each day are enough to practice the self-help techniques. The guide can be used alone or the accompanying audio exercises.
Informed by evidence and extensive field testing, the guide is for anyone who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances.
Different languages available:
A set of basic guidelines on how to be accountable to local people and measure program impact in emergency situations. The "good enough" approach emphasizes simple and practical solutions and encourages the user to choose tools that are safe, quick, and easy to implement
Proper and dignified management of the dead in disasters is one of the three key pillars of humanitarian response and a fundamental factor in facilitating identification of the deceased and helping families discover the fate of their loved ones. This second and updated edition of this hugely success...ful manual provides practical and easy-to-follow guidelines on the recovery, documentation and storage of the remains of individuals who have died in disasters, helping first responders ensure that the dead are treated with respect and that information crucial for their subsequent identification is recorded. This revised edition incorporates experience gained in recent catastrophes, such as the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the 2014/15 Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the 2015 earthquake in Nepal.
Aid Delivery Methods vol.1
2nd edition. The interagency field handbook on malaria control was developed to set out effective malaria control responses in humanitarian emergencies, particularly during the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. This second edition represents a thorough u...pdating and revision of the first edition. The structure remains similar, but includes an additional chapter on humanitarian coordination. All chapters have been revised to reflect changes in best practices, improvements in technologies, availability of new tools, and changes in WHO recommendations.
The Practical Approach to Emergencies in the Pregnant Mother, Newborn infant and Child. Provder Manual
The 2018 NDHS is a national sample survey that provides up-to-date information on demographic and health indicators. The sample was selected using a stratified, two-stage cluster design, with enumeration areas (EAs) as the sampling units for the first stage. The second stage was a complete listing o...f households carried out in each of the 1,400 selected EAs. The target groups were women age 15-49 and men age 15-59
in randomly selected households across Nigeria. A representative sample of approximately 42,000 households was selected for the survey. One-third of the households (14,000) were selected for malaria, anaemia, and genotype testing of children age 6-59 months. Also, in the subsample of households selected
for the men’s survey, one eligible woman in each household was randomly selected for additional questions regarding domestic violence. Specifically, information was collected on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, child feeding practices, nutritional status of women and children, adult and childhood mortality, awareness and attitudes regarding
HIV/AIDS, and female genital mutilation. The survey also assessed the nutritional status (according to weight and height measurements) of women and children in these households. In addition to presenting national estimates, the report provides estimates of key indicators for both rural and urban areas, the country’s six geopolitical zones and 36 states, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
In health emergencies as in periods of stability, restoring access to primary health-care services is a priority in so far as many health problems can be dealt with by means of preventive care and
conventional therapy. Depending on the context, the ICRC must often take action in this area, taking i...nto account the level of emergency, the involvement of other actors, the possible evolution of the situation and the organization's operational strategies.
The Manual for Participants is primarily meant for the participants of a 3 and a half day training course in Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment.
This manual was developed based on the recommendations of a global technical consultation on child health in humanitarian emergencies co-organized by WHO and UNICEF at the end of 2003. WHO in collaboration with the Centre for Refugee and Disaster Response, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Ho...pkins University undertook a systematic review in 2004. It demonstrated that existing guidelines, including The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), do not cover all priority conditions in emergencies. The objective of this manual is to provide comprehensive guidance on child care in emergencies.
A practical handbook. This Health Cluster Guide (2nd edition, 2020) provides practical advice on how WHO, Health Cluster Coordinators and partners can work together during a humanitarian crisis to achieve the aims of reducing avoidable mortality, morbidity and disability, and restoring the delivery ...of and equitable access to preventive and curative health care.
It highlights key principles of humanitarian health action and how coordination and joint efforts among health and other sector actors can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of health interventions and promote better health outcomes. It draws on Inter-Agency Standing Committee and other expert guidance and includes lessons from field experience in acute and protracted crises.
The coordination principles and practice presented in Health Cluster Guide are equally valid for coordinators and members of health sector groups that seek to achieve effective health action in countries where the cluster approach has not been formally adopted.