Further analysis of the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey
DHS Further Analysis Reports No 102
DHS Working Papers No. 101
Women’s empowerment, HIV testing, birth in past five years, Tanzania
DHS Working Papers No. 88
education, wealth, mobility, employment, and media exposure
Alternative Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in response to South Africa’s Baseline Country Report of March 2013 on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with particular reference to the provisions of Article 24
Education for respect and understanding – inclusion and equity
Education of children with disabilities in India and Pakistan: An analysis of developments since 2000 | Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 | Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges
Guidance Note A DFID practice paper
Cervical cancer, along with maternal deaths, has been identified as a national priority in
South Africa as well as other Sub-Saharan African countries. Cervical cancer is the
second most common cancer among women in South Africa, after breast cancer. Due
to limited access to prevention, early dia...gnosis and treatment, cervical cancer is often
The Equal Rights Review Volume 9, pp.117-137
Funded by CBM: www.cbm.org