The Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) has been activated in support of medical efforts related to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. The Emergency Access Initiative is a col-
laborative partnership between the U.S. National Library of Medicine and participating publishers to provide free access to ...full text articles from over 650 biomedical serial Titles and over 4,000 reference books and online databases to healthcare professionals and libraries affected by disasters. The free access period is now to December 12, 2014
A guide for health professionals in low-resource settings, Infection Prevention and Control is a must-have manual for nurses, doctors, and health administrators, and especially those in resource-limited settings
Based on our experience of the COVID-19 spread in South Africa we have written a chapter on COVID for healthcare workers that has been added to our Infection Prevention and Control book which can be accessed free on
Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine 2022:13 25–40.
Chagas disease (CD) is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and it is endemic in Central, South America, Mexico and the South of the United States. It is an important cause of early mortality and morbidity, and it is associated with po...verty and stigma. A third of the cases evolve into chronic cardiomyopathy and gastrointestinal disease. This review proposes strategies to address challenges faced by non-endemic countries
Many African countries were amongst the most rapid to respond to the emerging threat of COVID-19, implementing large-scale interventions at very early stages of their epidemic. As demonstrated in this document using very simple models, this rapid mobilization and timeliness of implementing control m...easures is likely to be an important determinant of their success. Indeed, as these measures were relaxed, subsequent waves of disease have been observed in many countries including South Africa, Kenya, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where such waves have severely impacted the health system by straining the supply of oxygen and ICU beds and inflicting a heavy toll on healthcare workers, often necessitating the re-imposition of control measures.
The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment, availability of these items is already extremely limited in some... countries. In Africa, countries including Mali, Liberia, and Burkina Faso have only a few ventilators available to aid their populations, and there is also a lack of reliable oxygen supplies, ICUs, and healthcare workers to treat the sick. Additionally, many countries in Africa are already suffering from food insecurity and weak economies, which will worsen the long-term effects of coronavirus.
Keeping these factors in mind, GeoPoll conducted a remote study in 12 countries in sub-Saharan Africa on the effects coronavirus is already having on people throughout the region.
Always talk to a GBV specialist first to understand what GBV services are available in your area. Some services may take the form of hotlines, a mobile app or other remote support.
Be aware of any other available services in your area. Identify services provided by humanitarian pa...rtners such as health, psychosocial support, shelter and non-food items. Consider services provided by communities such as mosques/ churches, women’s groups and Disability Service Organizations.
Remember your role. Provide a listening ear, free of judgment. Provide accurate, up-to-date information on available services. Let the survivor make their own choices. Know what you can and cannot manage. Even without a GBV actor in your area, there may be other partners, such as a child protection or mental health specialist, who can support survivors that require additional attention and support. Ask the survivor for permission before connecting them to anyone else. Do not force the survivor if s/he says no.
Do not proactively identify or seek out GBV survivors. Be available in case someone asks for support.
Remember your mandate. All humanitarian practitioners are mandated to provide non-judgmental and non-discriminatory support to people in need regardless of: gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability status, age, ethnicity/tribe/race/religion, who perpetrated/committed violence, and the situation in which violence was committed. Use a survivor-centered approach by practicing:
Respect: all actions you take are guided by respect for the survivor’s choices, wishes, rights and dignity.
Safety: the safety of the survivor is the number one priority.
Confidentiality: people have the right to choose to whom they will or will not tell their story. Maintaining confidentiality means not sharing any information to anyone.
Non-discrimination: providing equal and fair treatment to anyone in need of support.
If health services exist, always provide information on what is available. Share what you know, and most importantly explain what you do not. Let the survivor decide if s/he wants to access them. Receiving quality medical care within 72 hours can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and within 120 hours can prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Provide the opportunity for people with disabilities to communicate to you without the presence of their caregiver, if wished and does not endanger or create tension in that relationship.
If a man or boy is raped it does not mean he is gay or bisexual. Gender-based violence is based on power, not someone’s sexuality.
Sexual and gender minorities are often at increased risk of harm and violence due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Actively listen and seek to support all survivors.
Anyone can commit an act of gender-based violence including a spouse, intimate partner, family member, caregiver, in-law, stranger, parent or someone who is exchanging money or goods for a sexual act.
Anyone can be a survivor of gender-based violence – this includes, but isn’t limited to, people who are married, elderly individuals or people who engage in sex work.
Protect the identity and safety of a survivor. Do not write down, take pictures or verbally share any personal/identifying information about a survivor or their experience, including with your supervisor. Put phones and computers away to avoid concern that a survivor’s voice is being recorded.
Personal/identifying information includes the survivor’s name, perpetrator(s) name, date of birth, registration number, home address, work address, location where their children go to school, the exact time and place the incident took place etc.
Share general, non-identifying information
To your team or sector partners in an effort to make your program safer.
To your support network when seeking self-care and encouragement.
Previous crises, such as the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa in 2014, indicate the direct impact movement restrictions and disease containment efforts have on food availability, access, utilization and violence – particularly gender-based violence (GBV). The importance of maintaining and ...upscaling food security interventions for the most vulnerable populations, alongside the health sector’s efforts to avert disease spread, is therefore undeniable. The COVID-19 outbreak in South Sudan threatens to paralyze an already fragile food system and negatively impact more than 6.5 million people in South Sudan who remain vulnerable. At the same time, the core national capacities for prevention, preparedness and response for public health events is limited, and the healthcare system has been weakened by years of conflict, poor governance and low investments.
On 27 September 2024, the Rwanda Ministry of Health announced the confirmation of Marburg virus disease (MVD). Blood samples taken from people showing symptoms were tested by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at the National Reference Laboratory of the Rwanda Center and were positive for Marburg virus. As of 29 September 2024, a total of 26 confirmed cases, including eight deaths have been reported. The cases are reported from seven of the 30 districts in the country. Among the confirmed cases, over 70% are healthcare workers from two health facilities in Kigali.
Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (Wits RHI) is involved in an effort to curb the COVID-19 pandemic that is facing South Africa and the world at large. Prof. Helen Rees is a member of the team advising the Health Minister on COVID-19 (MAC). She is part of the Clinicians Group, the Research and the Incident Management Team (IMT). Prof. Rees is Co-Chair of the South African arm of the Solidarity study
This is a World Health Organisation (WHO) coordinated trial that will generate high quality evidence on COVID-19 treatment options. Prof Helen is also the International Coordinator for the global Crown Coronation study. This study is aimed at looking at strategies to protect healthcare workers.
There are three sections in this e-learning module on radiation emergencies: Section One is an introduction about the basics of radiation. For instance, the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and the different ways to measure radiation. Section Two is about the health effects of ...acute exposure to radiation. For instance, the mechanisms by which ionizing radiation damages our cells and the clinical manifestations of acute exposure are introduced. Section Three discusses the measures in response to a radiation emergency. For instance, the principles of emergency department preparedness, the use of personal protective equipment and the procedures to decontamination are presented. Although this module is primarily for first responders to prepare for radiation emergencies, it is also suitable for the general public who are interested in knowing more about this topic. Healthcare professionals may also find this module useful in case they want to refresh their knowledge on radiation.
Background: East African trypanosomiasis is an uncommon, potentially lethal disease if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. South Africa, as a centre for emergency medical evacuations from much of sub-Saharan Africa, receives a high proportion of these patients, mostly tourists and expatria...te residents.
Methods: The cases of East African trypanosomiasis patients evacuated to South Africa, for whom diagnostic and clinical management advice was provided over the years 2004–2018, were reviewed, using the authors’ own records and those of collaborating clinicians.
Results: Twenty-one cases were identified. These originated in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Uganda. Nineteen cases (90%) had stage 1 (haemolymphatic) disease; one of these patients had fatal myocarditis. Of the two patients with stage 2 (meningoencephalitic) disease, one died of melarsoprol encephalopathy. Common problems were delayed diagnosis, erroneous assessment of severity, and limited access to treatment.
Conclusions: The key to early diagnosis is recognition of the triad of geographic exposure, tsetse fly bites, and trypanosomal chancre, plus good microscopy. Elements for successful management are rapid access to specific drug treatment, skilled intensive care, and good laboratory facilities. Clinical experience and the local stock of antitrypanosomal drugs from the World Health Organization have improved the chance of a successful outcome in the management of East African trypanosomiasis in South Africa; the survival rate over the period was 90.5%.
This case study examines the humanitarian response to the conflict-related crisis in the North-East of Nigeria, focusing primarily on the period from 2015 to the end of 2016. The aim is test the central hypotheses of the Emergency Gap project: that the current structure, conceptual underpinning and... prevalent mindset of the international humanitarian system limits its capacity to be effective in response to conflict-related emergencies.
As with many conflict-related crises, the emergency in north-east Nigeria has deep and complex roots in the history of the region. The conflict began in 2009 and quickly developed beyond the control of the authorities. It unfolded in the midst of pre-existing political, social and economic tensions, making an effective humanitarian response exceedingly difficult. Despite this complexity, what is clear is that the crisis has resulted in a sprawling humanitarian disaster that has killed over 25,000 people as a direct result of the violence, and continues to devastate many more lives through hunger, psychological trauma and lack of access to healthcare.
The 2020 Report analyzes global health spending for 190 countries from 2000 to 2018 and provides insights as to the health spending trajectory from the MDG era to the SDG era prior to the crisis of 2020. The report shows that global spending on health continually rose between 2000 and 2018 and reach...ed US$ 8.3 trillion or 10% of global GDP. The data also show that out-of-pocket spending has remained high in low and lower-middle income countries, representing greater than 40% of total health spending in 2018. We also report and summarize the data on expenditures for PHC, as well as by disease and intervention, including for immunization. The report also analyzes the available data on budget allocation in response to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, we combine World Bank/IMF projections of the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of the crisis with an analysis of the historical determinants of health spending patterns and UHC indicators, and based on this, we draw out the likely implications of 2020 for future health spending, highlighting key policy and monitoring concerns.
This briefing note is based on the existing WHO and ILO guides and recommendations for Ebola Virus
Disease at the time of the publication. It will be updated as new information and recommendations become