Endorsed by the CCM Georgia on April 15th 2015
Accessed: 26.09.2019
#AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference
Accessed: 26.09.2019
Country Progress Report
Reporting Period
January – December, 2014
Accessed: 26.09.2019
This publication’s primary purpose is to provide a compilation of actions to address malnutrition in all its forms, in a concise and user-friendly format to help in decision-making processes for integration of nutrition interventions in national health policies, strategies, and plans based on coun...try-specific needs and global priorities.
Research Paper.
As the fighting in Syria winds down, international humanitarian organisations (IHOs) operating from Damascus are hopeful that the Syrian government’s interference in their work will decrease. However, the government is attempting to formalise its influence over humanitarian operat...ions.
Throughout the Syrian conflict, the government has imposed multiple administrative processes on humanitarian organisations to limit their ability to operate independently. This includes restricting the operational environment; undermining organisational independence; imposing local partners; influencing procurement procedures; and preventing direct monitoring and evaluation.
While some level of coordination with the government might be a pragmatic necessity to ensure the safety of operations in regime-controlled areas, this cooperation should not enable the government to use aid for military or political purposes. Consequently, international humanitarian organisations have an ethical dilemma in how they provide aid in these areas without undermining their principles of humanity, independence, impartiality and neutrality.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry60:5 (2019), pp 500–515
In South Africa, young women and girls are exposed to extremely high levels of gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV infection. Given the links between the two epidemics, it is important that HIV prevention programmes also address violence against women and children. The Global Fund’s Young Women an...d Girls (YWG) programme is a multi-pronged HIV prevention programme targeting young women and girls and was implemented in 10 districts in South Africa from April 2016 to March 2019. This briefing paper reports on the lessons learnt from a process evaluation of the child protection component of the programme
Guidelines for the care and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Eine Arbeitshilfe für Vormünder und Begleitpersonen zur Bedeutung der Stellung eines Asylantrags in der Minderjährigkeit. Inhalt: Asylantrag oder aufenthaltsrechtlicher Antrag? Asylantragstellung durch das Jugendamt? Was spricht für eine (schnellst mögliche) Asylantragstellung? Asylantrag bei u...mF aus einem sog. „sicheren Herkunftsland“? Junge Volljährige – Auswirkungen im Asyl- und Aufenthaltsrecht bei einer Vormundschaftsbestellung über das 18. Lebensjahr hinaus? Wie und wo wird ein Asylantrag für eine/n umF gestellt?
Глобальная статистика свидетельствует о том, что бремя туберкулеза более актуально в городских регионах. Тем не менее, в тех странах, где большая часть населения п...оживает в сельской местности в условиях крайней нищеты, туберкулез является доминирующей проблемой среди сельских жителей. Бедность и ограниченный доступ к медицинским учреждениям и медицинским работникам значительно снижают способность людей с туберкулезом, проживающих в сельской местности, получить своевременную диагностику и лечение.
Accessed on 2019