Framework of Indictors and Targets
HIV/AIDS Programme
Policy Brief
Information Note
Advice for countries using or planning
to introduce dual HIV/syphilis RDT in antenatal services and other testing sites.
HIV treatment
Policy brief
July 2017
HIV testing services
Policy Brief
November 2018
Policy brief. HIV testing services (HTS) and anti-retroviral therapy (ART) have been scaled up substantially. It is estimated that, globally, nearly 80% of people with HIV now know their status. With the offer of immediate ART initiation and improved treatment options, access to and uptake of treatm...ent have increased, too. Now, most people with HIV who know their status are obtaining treatment and care.
In response to these changes in the global HIV epidemic, WHO is encouraging countries to use three consecutive reactive tests for an HIV-positive diagnosis as their treatment-adjusted prevalence and national HTS positivity fall below 5% .
The household transmission investigation is a case-ascertained prospective study of all identified household contacts of a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (see 2.2 Study population). It is intended to provide rapid and early information on the clinical, epidemiological and virological chara...cteristics of 2019-nCoV.
There are three primary objectives of this household transmission study:
To better understand the extent of transmission within a household by estimating the secondary infection rate for household contacts at an individual level, and factors associated with any variation in the secondary infection risk.
To characterize secondary cases including the range of clinical presentation, risk factors for infection, and the extent and fraction of asymptomatic infections.
To characterize serologic response following confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (highly encouraged, but optional depending on laboratory capacity and resources)
Public Report
PQMC 0001-001-04 WHO PQMC Public Report November/2016, version 8.0
Prequalification of Male Circumcision Devices
PQMC_007 v1 16 December 2011
Accessed: 08.03.2020
This section provides an overview of an HIV Rapid Testing workshop. It contains information about:
- Workshop Goal
- Training Modules: Learning Objectives and Content Outline
- Learning Methods / Activities
- Recommended Certification Criteria
Section 1...: Overview, Trainer’s Guide
Временные рекомендации
17 марта 2020 г.
Данный документ представляет собой адаптированную версию временных рекомендаций, разработанных для ближневосточного респ...ираторного синдрома, вызванного коронавирусом (БВРС-КоВ), которые были опубликованы в июне 2018 г.1, и был составлен на основе опубликованных ВОЗ научно обоснованных рекомендаций, включая руководство «Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory diseases in health care» (Профилактика инфекций и борьба с острыми респираторными инфекциями, способными вызывать эпидемии и пандемии, при оказании медико-санитарной помощи)2, а также имеющейся на сегодняшний день информации о COVID-19.
7 April 2021
The holy month of Ramadan (mid-April to mid-May 2021) is marked by social and religious gatherings. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to observe the holiday with caution and care. This document provides up-to-date public health advice that can be applied across... different national contexts to make Ramadan-related activities safer.
People with underlying noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer have a high risk for developing severe and even fatal COVID-19. It is important for them to strictly follow basic protective measures and make sure th...eir chronic diseases are well managed. However, pandemics cripple health systems and compromise provision routine medical care. This technical note gives general guidance to people living with NCDs, their caregivers and family members, the public, health programme managers and health-care workers on how to reduce risks of a COVID-19 infection and maintain care for people living with NCDs during the outbreak.
Physical and social distancing measures are associated with limiting contact between people during disease outbreaks. These measures when applied are often enhanced by lockdowns or shutdowns as part of broader risk communication and community engagement strategies to halt the transmission of disease... outbreaks.
Oxygen is an essential medicine required at all levels of the health care system; only high quality, medical-grade oxygen should be given to patients. Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen generating plants are a source of medical-grade oxygen. This document provides technical specifications as th...e minimum requirements that a PSA Oxygen Plant must meet for use for the administration of medical-grade oxygen.
Иммунизация является важной медицинской услугой, которая защищает человечество от болезней, предупреждаемых вакцинацией (БПВ)2. Благодаря своевременной имму...низации люди и сообщества обретают защиту, и вероятность вспышки БПВ уменьшается.Предотвращение вспышки БПВ не только спасает жизни, но и требует меньше ресурсовпо сравнению среагированиемна вспышку и помогает снизить нагрузку на систему здравоохранения, и без того перегруженную в результате пандемии COVID-19.
Цель настоящего документа - дать указания по очистке и дезинфекции поверхностей окружающей среды в контексте КОВИД-19. Настоящее руководство предназначено для раб...тников здравоохранения, специалистов в области общественного здравоохранения и органов здравоохранения, которые разрабатывают и осуществляют политику и стандартные оперативные процедуры (СОП) по очистке и дезинфекции поверхностей окружающей среды в контексте КОВИД-19.
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