CHWs demonstrated social commitment and purpose in the short term observed. The evaluation of the training of CHWs revealed that most demonstrated the necessary skills for referrals to prevent complications, caring for newborns and their mothers at home immediately after discharge from health care c...enters. CHW upskilling training on maternal-newborn services should be prioritized in the most affected areas.
The 2016-2017 Biennial report presents an overview of WHO Namibia's main achievements and challenges and highlights its vision for the next five years.
Research Article
PLOS ONE | February 15, 2018
Vol.5 No.2:73
DOI: 10.21767/2254-9137.100092
Health Systems and Policy Research ISSN 2254-9137
International Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 04, pp.68266-68270, April, 2018
ISSN: 0975-833X
1-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Issue date: 23 November 2018
UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.32
This report details the challenges many women and girls with disabilities face throughout the justice process: reporting abuse to the police, obtaining appropriate medical care, having complaints investigated, navigating the court system, and getting adequate compensation.
This report finds that although Lebanese law bars schools from discriminating against children with disabilities, public and private schools exclude many children with disabilities. For those allowed to enroll, schools often lack reasonable accommodations, such as modifications to the classroom envi...ronment and curricula or teaching methods to address children’s needs. Schools also require the families of children with disabilities to pay extra fees and expenses that in effect are discriminatory.
Kan M et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2018, 21(S5):e25139 |
Expert Consensus Report for Emergency Centres in
Western Cape
2018 Progress Report
PEPFAR Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control (2017-2020)
Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) | ISSN 2166-7403 (online) DOI 10.5195/cajgh.2018.295 |
Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) | ISSN 2166-7403 (online) DOI 10.5195/cajgh.2018.295 |
In 2016 CRS leveraged the robust infrastructure of its large, multi-sectoral orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) program in Nigeria by expanding the program's core mandate to include community childhood TB casefinding, with a focus on highly vulnerable children and their caregivers
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) showed
that global commitment and collective action
could significantly reduce the disease burdens of
three deadly communicable diseases: HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. The MDGs helped
focus efforts on these three deadly diseases
and leveraged ...disease-specific programmes and
financing, thus achieving significant progress.
BMC Public Health, Volume 18, Article number: 303 (2018)
Published: 02 March 2018