An Economist Intelligence Unit briefing paper | The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) undertook a study aimed at assessing the degree of commitment of 15 countries within the AsiaPacific region to integrating those with mental illness into their communities. The research was commissioned and funded... by Janssen Asia Pacific, a division of Johnson & Johnson Pte. Ltd. This report focuses on the results of this benchmarking study, called the Asia-Pacific Mental Health Integration Index. Drawing on lessons from the EIU’s 2014 European Mental Health Integration Index, this edition index compares the level of effort in each of the countries on indicators associated with integrating individuals suffering from mental illness into society. Data for the Index was collected between March and May 2016. The set of 18 indicators were grouped into four categories.
Advocacy ,Social Mobilization ,Behavior Change Communications
Lunsar, Port Loko District, Sierra Leone
The Monitoring Report, which covers the first two months of the response from 25 August to 31 October, highlights the work of the Government of Bangladesh, in cooperation with humanitarian partners who are working to provide relief services for the refugee population and Bangladeshi host communities.... Of the 1.2 million people in need, around half have been reached with assistance. The Report also explains the challenges and gaps that remain. The risk of disease outbreak is high, and the impact of a cyclone or heavy rain would be massive. There is not enough land to provide adequate living conditions for the more than 830,000 refugees that now crowd Cox’s Bazar.
The Fifty-first World Health Assembly,
Recalling resolutions WHA22.29, WHA25.55 and WHA28.54 on the prevention of blindness, and
WHA45.10 on disability prevention and rehabilitation;
Aware of previous efforts and progress made in the global fight against infectious eye diseases, in particular
Noting that blinding trachoma still constitutes a serious public health problem amongst the poorest
populations in 46 endemic countries.
Research Paper, Accessed April 10,2019