Le cancer, troisième cause de mortalité, constitue un problème de santé publique au
Burkina Faso. Des actions isolées et sporadiques existent sur le terrain pour faire
face à la demande et aux besoins mais elles restent insuffisantes et non
coordonnées du fait de l’absence de programme.
Compte tenu de cette situation, le Ministère de la santé a élaboré la politique
nationale de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles et un Programme national
de lutte contre le cancer (PNLC). Le présent plan stratégique est un outil
d’opérationnalisation dudit programme.
Après un rappel des données générales sur la malnutrition infantile, nous décrirons l'évolution de la mortalité et de la morbidité de ce fléau. Puis, nous exposerons la méthodologie et les résultats de notre étude. L'étude est d'abord rétrospective, analysant les indicateurs de fonctio...nnement du centre sous régime diététique traditionnel, puis prospective avec l'étude de l'efficacité d'un produit de renutrition prêt à l'emploi, le Plumpy Nut. Nous rappellerons les principaux facteurs de risque liés à l'installation d'un déficit nutritionnel. Les résultats obtenus, principalement en termes de gain de poids moyen et d'indicateursde fonctionnement du centre de renutrition seront comparés à ceux de la littérature. Nous développerons les méthodes d'approches thérapeutiques, multidisciplinaires les mieux adaptées à chaque situation pour améliorer la prévention et la guérison de la malnutrition des enfants malnutris.
La leishmaniasis es un problema creciente de salud pública en el contextomundial. En Colombia, la situación es de alarma debido al incremento de casos de leishmaniasis cutánea que se viene registrando desde 2003 y el cambio en el patrón epidemiológico dado por la aparición de nuevos focos, el ...proceso cre-ciente de domiciliación y urbanización del ciclo de transmisión.
Pathogens . 2021 Nov 16;10(11):1493.doi: 10.3390/pathogens10111493
.Chronic manifestations of Chagas disease present as disabling and life-threatening condi-tions affecting mainly the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. Although meaningful research has outlined the different molecular mech...anisms underlying Trypanosoma cruzi’s infection and the host-parasite interactions that follow, prompt diagnosis and treatment remain a challenge, particu-larly in developing countries and also in those where the disease is considered non-endemic. This review intends to present an up-to-date review of the parasite’s life cycle, genetic diversity, virulence factors, and infective mechanisms, as well as the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options of the main chronic complications of Chagas disease.
Manuel destiné au personnel de santé. Le présent manuel est un guide spécialisé sur les techniques et les méthodes de laboratoire à utiliser pour le diagnostic de l’ulcère de Buruli, une maladie provoquée par Mycobacterium ulcerans. Destiné aux techniciens et aux scientifi ques de labora...toire travaillant sur cette maladie, le présent manuel décrit les méthodes exactes à mettre en oeuvre pour réaliser un certain nombre de tests diagnostiques. Les procédures recommandées, utilisables dans l’ensemble du système de santé, sont adaptées aux services périphériques, des districts et centraux et ce, conformément aux ressources, compétences et matériel variables que l’on trouve classiquement dans les pays où l’ulcère de Buruli est endémique.
O objetivo desta nota conceitual e a estrutura que essa descreve tratam da eliminação de um grupo de DT e abordam os efeitos negativos para a saúde que essas DT causam (as doenças constam da Tabela 1 abaixo), e que, juntos, criam uma carga tangível sobre os indivíduos afetados, suas famílias,... as comunidades e os sistemas de atenção de saúde por toda a Região.
It is Zika virus (ZIKV) that most often causes these neurological effects it appears to be the only arbovirus than can cause congenital malformations such as microcephaly. In any case, more scientific tests are needed to establish the causal relationship between the virus and this malformation (7-10...).
This document is a practical tool designed to help health workers improve clinical diagnosis and provide timely care for patients infected
with the dengue, chikungunya, or Zika virus. It is intended mainly for
health workers in primary care facilities where laboratory diagnosis of
arboviruses is not always available. However, this guide may also be
very useful in hospitals that provide second- and third-level care, as it
describes the clinical manifestations of each of the three most important
arboviral diseases currently found in the Region, the elements for
differential diagnosis, and their clinical behavior.
The document "Global Report on Diabetes" by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides an in-depth analysis of diabetes as a global health challenge. It covers the rising prevalence of the disease, the associated risk factors, and the increasing burden on healthcare systems, particularly in low- a...nd middle-income countries. The report discusses strategies for preventing Type 2 diabetes, managing diabetes effectively, and reducing complications through integrated healthcare approaches. It emphasizes the need for global action, national policies, and collaboration across sectors to address diabetes and improve health outcomes worldwide.
The document provides the NICE Quality Standard for managing Type 2 diabetes in adults (QS209). It outlines evidence-based recommendations for preventing Type 2 diabetes, structured education, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), medication such as SGLT2 inhibitors, and regular care processes to mon...itor complications. The guidelines emphasize individualized care, addressing health inequalities, and improving patient outcomes. They are intended to support healthcare professionals and services in delivering high-quality, equitable diabetes care.
This guideline covers care and management for adults (aged 18 and over) with type 2 diabetes. It focuses on patient education, dietary advice, managing cardiovascular risk, managing blood glucose levels, and identifying and managing long-term complications.
The document provides quality standards for managing Type 1 diabetes in adults, emphasizing areas like structured education, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), cardiovascular risk management, and diabetic foot assessment. It aims to improve care processes, reduce complications, and enhance patient... outcomes through evidence-based and patient-centered approaches. The guidelines also focus on supporting inpatient self-management and ensuring equality and accessibility in diabetes care.
The document "Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" provides comprehensive guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults. It emphasizes the importance of individualized glycemic targets, lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise, and the use of medicatio...ns such as metformin, SGLT2 inhibitors, and GLP1 receptor agonists to manage blood sugar levels and reduce long-term complications. The document also discusses the screening and management of comorbidities such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetic complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy. It highlights the role of diabetes self-management education and support in improving adherence to treatment and patient outcomes. The guidelines are evidence-based and aim to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with type 2 diabetes.
The document "Pocketbook for Management of Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence in Under-Resourced Countries" (2nd Edition) provides practical guidelines for managing diabetes in children and adolescents, particularly in resource-limited settings. It covers key topics like diagnosing and treating d...iabetes, managing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), insulin therapy, blood glucose monitoring, nutritional management, and dealing with complications. The pocketbook aims to support healthcare professionals in delivering effective diabetes care and improving outcomes for young patients in under-resourced areas.
The “ActiveAge Handbook” is an outcome of the “ActiveAge Project, which was carried out from January 2013 until June 2014 in the frame of “2012 Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sport” of the European Commission Directory General Education and Cul-
ture (DG EAC) in cooperation with 13 E...uropean partners under the leadership of the German Gymnastic Federation (DTB). “ActiveAge” was set up as a transnational project that fosters the exchange of knowledge and experience to counteract the physical inactivity of elderly people through capacity building for physical activities and sport programs of aging people in well-
structured and wide-spread settings, with the starting point in sport-organizations.
The handbook is intended to be used as a guideline for further activities of the “European Platform Active Aging in Sport” (EPAAS), which will continue the mission of the ActiveAge Project. Furthermore the handbook should serve as well for any other stakeholder interested to promote physical activities and sport for elderly people.
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by the presence of hyperglycaemia in the absence of treatment. The heterogeneous aetiopathology includes defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The long-term specific complications of diabe...tes include retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. People with diabetes are also at increased risk of other diseases, including cardiac, peripheral arterial and cerebrovascular disease, cataracts, erectile dysfunction, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. They are also at an increased risk of some infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, and are likely to experience poorer outcomes.