Chapter 9: Public health guide for emergencies
International Review of the Red Cross Volume 91 Number 874 June 2009
Guidelines for WHO Representatives and Country
Offices in the Western Pacific Region
Évaluation des mesures mises en oeuvre en cas de flambées et amélioration de la préparation
New research published today shows that older, disabled and injured Syrian refugees are paying a double toll as a result of the conflict. The report, released by Handicap International and HelpAge International, provides new data showing how much these vulnerable refugees are struggling to meet thei...r specific needs
Cuando la asistencia humanitaria es coordinada adecuadamente y responde a las necesidades reales, sus beneficios son mucho mayores para las víctimas y puede jugar incluso un papel importante en el desarrollo del país.
Accessed July 2014
For the whole Emergency and Trauma Care Modules visit:
This poster set includes water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) posters to teach about good WASH practices, including household water treatment technologies. The poster set also includes text for each poster with key messages and questions to check for understanding with the group or individual.
Patient information on coronary heart disease. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:ässe/koronare-herzkrankheit-notfall
This Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has been developed in advance of the World Humanitarian Summit (23 and 24 May 2016, Istanbul) by over 70 stakeholders from States, UN agencies, the international civil society community and global, regional and national or...ganisations of persons with disabilities. By endorsing this Charter, you will commit to render humanitarian action inclusive of persons with disabilities, by lifting barriers persons with disabilities are facing in accessing relief, protection and recovery support and ensuring their participation in the development, planning and implementation humanitarian programmes.