A non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide.
النداء الطارئ شأن أزمة سوريا الإقليمية
COVID-19 has resulted in an unprecedented global crisis. As the pandemic spreads and countries around the world continue to struggle to contain its health and socio-economic consequences, UNRWA is issuing a new humanitarian appeal from August through December 2020 to address the worst impacts of the... pandemic on Palestine refugees across the Agency’s five fields of operation. Through this appeal the Agency seeks US$ 94.6 million. The funds requested in this appeal are additional to the previous UNRWA COVID-19 appeal for March to July.
2 March 2021
Protracted displacement, socio-economic crises aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, dire humanitarian needs and protection threats continue to affect the Palestine refugees in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
In Syria, the protracted conflict has left 91 per cent of the 438,000 Palestine re...fugees1 estimated to remain in the country in absolute poverty2 and 40 per cent displaced.
La Plataforma Regional de Coordinación Interagencial reflejó en el Plan de Respuesta para Refugiados y Migrantes (RMRP) 2023-24 la estructura sectorial regional para la respuesta a la crisis humanitaria de la región de una manera individualizada para el Sector de Alojamiento, bajo el cual quedan ...las actividades de gestión y coordinación de alojamientos colectivos, acceso a alojamiento individual y desarrollo de infraestructura comunitaria con enfoque territorial; así como de artículos esenciales para el hogar/domésticos. Este sector regional se refleja en cada país, según sus capacidades, con un Término de Referencia diferenciado según las temáticas que aglutine, la de Alojamiento puede formar parte de un Multisector más amplio de Necesidades Básicas.
This document provides guidance to host States on the vetting and registration of volunteers and volunteer organisations. It also provides guidance to UN, NGO and other civil society actors on how they can support and complement State efforts through operational activities.
UNHCR invested significantly in risk mitigation, prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in the Europe region in 2022-2023, in particular in connection with the Ukraine emergency, where the risks were considered high due to the unprecedented scale and speed of displacement, mo...stly women and children, combined with high turnover of humanitarian staff and the range of new and untraditional actors involved in the response. PSEA also remains a priority for UNHCR’s work for other refugees, internally displaced and stateless persons across the region.
This compilation highlights the 10 most promising practices that were initiated by UNHCR and its partners in the Europe region in 2022-2023. These practices are shared with the aim to inspire further work on PSEA in the region and elsewhere and encourage continuous learning and exchange.
This study looks at commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) under the Grand Bargain and provides an overview of good practices on localisation approaches, provides a number of case studies from the regional response and makes recommendations on how to further strengthen leadership an...d participation of national and local actors within the response to the Syria crisis.
The new guide provides practical, first-line management recommendations for mental, neurological and substance use conditions. Contents include modules on assessing and managing conditions such as acute stress, grief, moderate-severe depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, and... harmful use of alcohol and drugs.