Slum population in India is growing fast (25.1% decadal growth – Census 2011). Its health and nutrition indicators are worse than that of the non slum urban areas and comparable to that of rural India.
The National Urban Health Mission (HUHM), launched in 2013, focuses on improving the health of ...urban slum population through a needs based, city-specific urban health care system that includes a revamped primary care system, targeted outreach, equitable access, and involvement of the community and urban local bodies (ULBs).
The HUHM recognizes that lack of disaggregated data collected at local and/or city level impedes efficient planning with focus on the urban poor, and that data availability is a critical need.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 5
No publication year indicated.
In March 2017 MSF and St Josef Hospital in Schweinfurt (Germany) began a pilot project for low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers. The project has been independently continued by St Josef Hospital from August 2017. Refugees and asylum seekers are approached with an inform...ation and counseling service from psychosocial peer counselors with relevant backgrounds (regarding language, culture and refugee experience). The psychosocial peer counselors undergo training with a specifically tailored curriculum and are supervised in their work by qualified staff.
WHO Regional Office for Africa
The coronavirus outbreak that began in late 2019 (COVID-19) has evolved rapidly and globally. On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and a pandemic on 11 March 2020 indicating global spread of a new... disease.
Addressing COVID-19 requires critical preparedness and a prepared response, particularly within places of detention (prisons). Prison staff play a crucial role in contributing to the effort of preventing the spread of the disease, promoting safer prison environments, and responding to outbreaks in a timely and effective manner.
Stock-outs of antimalarials cause unnecessary deaths among an estimated 219 million people afflicted worldwide. Good pharmaceutical information systems can avoid stock-outs with timely, accurate data and high reporting rates that ensure the continuous availability of critically-needed antimalarials....
The US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Increased Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program, with support from the US Government’s Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI), is working with the Government of Guinea to improve the national malaria reporting system. By the end of September 2013, after only a few months of training in all 19 PMI-supported zones, reporting rates had improved significantly, reaching an average completion rate of 85 percent for health facilities during the previous quarter.
Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Ukrainian Title:
УКРАЇНА: Еквівалентність лікарських засобів, зареєстрованих в Україні та інших країнах. Інформація для працівників охорони здоров'я та пацієнтів
To support t...he provision of healthcare and medicines in the host countries, and as part of FIP’s response to the appeals of our member organisation, the All-Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Chamber, FIP has developed the tables of equivalence between medicines registered in Ukraine and those available in other countries, published in this document. This is meant to facilitate the provision of (pharmaceutical) care to refugees and also to support healthcare professionals providing care to them. We are
prioritising medicines for the following chronic non-communicable diseases that require continuation of treatment: asthma & COPD, mental health, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, but also oral contraceptives. This list may be expanded as necessary.
Postnatal care is essential for all women, their babies, and families during the first few weeks after birth.
Yet, coverage and quality of postnatal care remains suboptimal. We invite those who advocate for improved health and health service experiences for women, newborns, parents, and families to... join efforts for increasing the quality of postnatal care, so that every woman and every newborn receives the care they need to survive and thrive.