Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are a worldwide epidemic. Particularly, the most common diseases - Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD), Chronic Kidney Diseases, Cancer, Diabetes, injuries and disabilities, EMT, oral, eye g...reatly contribute to the morbidity and mortality accounting for around 60% of all deaths worldwide. The disease pattern is also changing from infectious to chronic in Rwanda like other developing countries due to the epidemiological transition.
It has been over a year since Kenya identified the first case of COVID-19 in the country. The Government formed the National COVID-19 task force, which supported the country's response through multi-sectoral technical working groups on testing, case management, risk communication and community engag...ement among others. An earlier version of the COVID case management guideline was released in April 2020 and capacity building of health care workers on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 was quickly carried out, even as counties prepared themselves by setting up isolation centres and supplies
This manual was developed based on the recommendations of a global technical consultation on child health in humanitarian emergencies co-organized by WHO and UNICEF at the end of 2003. WHO in collaboration with the Centre for Refugee and Disaster Response, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Ho...pkins University undertook a systematic review in 2004. It demonstrated that existing guidelines, including The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), do not cover all priority conditions in emergencies. The objective of this manual is to provide comprehensive guidance on child care in emergencies.
Step-by-step risk management guidance for drinking-water supplies in small communities.
A guide for developing a hygiene promotion program to increase handwashing with soap
Building on previous guidelines, the People In Aid Code seeks to offer agencies an effective framework for human resources management, helping them assess and raise their performance.
This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health offers 48 pages of information on basic sanitation and hygiene, including instructions on building safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly sanitation systems, as well as learning activities to help communities underst...and and prevent sanitation-related health problems. Also available in Spanish and French.
Handbook on pregnancy, childbirth, childhood illnesses, child development and the care of children. The handbook, Facts for Life, provides vital messages and information for mothers, fathers, other family members and caregivers and communities to use in changing behaviours and practices that can sav...e and protect the lives of children and help them grow and develop to their full potential.
This version of Facts for Life builds on the three previous editions, which have been helping families and communities around the world since 1989. Newborn Health has been added to the Safe Motherhood chapter, giving attention to child survival from the first stage of life. A new chapter, Child Protection, has been included, focusing attention on the actions needed to ensure children grow up in protective environments.
• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
Abusos de grupos armados contra civiles colombianos y venezolanos en el noreste de Colombia.
Este informe se basa en una investigación realizada en el Catatumbo en abril de 2019. Entrevistamos a más de 80 personas, incluidas víctimas de abusos, sus familiares, líderes sociales, representantes e...clesiásticos, funcionarios de derechos humanos, autoridades locales, funcionarios judiciales y miembros de organizaciones humanitarias y de derechos humanos que trabajan en la zona. Algunas entrevistas se realizaron en Cúcuta, la capital del departamento de Norte de Santander, y otras telefónicamente. También tuvimos acceso a informes y estadísticas oficiales, publicaciones de organizaciones no gubernamentales e internacionales, y testimonios tomados por funcionarios públicos a casi 500 víctimas de abusos cometidos en el contexto del conflicto armado.