The aim of the framework is to provide guidance to Member States and partners on region-specific priority actions towards the goals, targets and milestones of the GTS. The central pillar of the framework is the adoption of programme phasing and transitioning, aimed at facilitating a tailored approac...h to malaria control/elimination. This is in response to the increasing heterogeneity of malaria epidemiology among and within countries of the region.
The risk of communicable diseases remains a humanitarian concern with major health risks including cholera, acute watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, malaria and other vector borne diseases and conditions such as severe acute malnutrition.
Access to the affected districts is still conditioned due t...o the destruction of roads, the telecommunications network and the interruption of electricity.
Risk of spill-over of EVD to Uganda has been categorised as very high. On 28 September 2018, WHO elevated the risk at the regional level which includes Uganda from ‘high’ to ‘very high’. Uganda has a very long and largely porous border with the DRC. High population movements across the occur for various reason including for trade, social activities and services and asylum. There are cross-border markets in several border districts in Uganda and DRC that involve thousands of people crossing into and out of DRC and Uganda for trade purposes several days in a week.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance in the design, implementation and evaluation of a course that aims to build and strengthen the capacity of health personnel to manage eye patients at primary-level health facilities in the African Region. The course falls within the remit of professional development in its broadest sense. Its content focuses on simple evidence-based practice that can be easily carried out in primary-level health facilities all over Africa.
This manual is intended for use by course directors and facilitators. Its intended audience includes all persons who wish to commission, support or offer a course serving the above aims, including pre-service training. This manual sets out the requisite steps for the preparation and organization of such a course.
The STEPS survey of noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors in Zambia was carried out from July to September 2017. Zambia carried out Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. Socio demographic and behavioural information was collected in Step 1. Physical measurements such as height, weight and blood pressure w...ere collected in Step 2. Biochemical measurements were collected to assess blood glucose and cholesterol levels in Step 3. The survey was a population-based survey of adults aged 18-69. A multi-stage cluster sample design was used to produce representative data for that age range in Zambia. A total of 4,302 adults participated in the survey. The overall response rate was 74% for Step 1 and 2 and 65% for Step 3. A repeat survey is planned for 2022 if funds permit.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sub-Saharan Africa has only 3% of the world’s health workers to cater for 11% of the world population, bearing over 25% of the global disease burden (WHO, 2014). With a steady increase in reported cases on the African Continent, the current COVID-1...9 pandemic threatens to overwhelm our already taxed health infrastructure. It is, therefore, imperative to take serious and urgent measures towards disease management and monitoring especially as the need for self-quarantine and contact surveillance rises.
In view of the infrastructural and resource gaps, technology should be considered for remote management of healthcare deliver to patients during this period. As it is abundantly clear, even countries with more advanced healthcare infrastructure and resources have struggled to treat COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients during this pandemic.
30th World AIDS Day Report
STAR Initiative, Unitaid and World Health Organization December 2018
On the 31st December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) China country office reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China now known to be caused by a novel virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been confirmed as the causative v...irus of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Cases have now been identified in over 100 countries including South Africa.
Initial public health responses to control the pandemic focused on promoting protective behaviors among the general population, including frequent hand washing, physical distancing and the use of face masks in public spaces However, many saw these only as interim measures to reduce the spread of the... virus and hopes for a return to a sense of ‘ rested on the development of a safe and effective vaccine.
“Guide to facilitate the implementation of the WHO/UNICEF “Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines” for Africa
Mars 2020. Recommendations selon les differentes phases
African Union and the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Africa Regulatory Taskforce has endorsed the Emergency Used Authorization for Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
10 March 2021
Infection prevention and control (IPC) in a CTC/ CTU IPC are all practical measures taken in the healthcare facility to prevent harm caused by infections to patients, health workers and communities.
The main goal of IPC in the cholera response is to
• To reduce transmission of health care-as...sociated infections of cholera and any other infectious disease
• To enhance the safety of staff, patients and visitors
• To enhance the ability of the organization/health care facility to respond to an outbreak
• To reduce the risk of the hospital (health care facility) itself amplifying the outbreak
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
WASH are all measures taken to guarantee environmental hygiene, safe water of all used within the health facility. It encompasses water, sanitation, waste management, cleaning within the health facility which in this case is CTU/C. A complete WASH package in the CTU/CTC reduces the risk of spread of Vibrio cholerae inside and outside the CTC/CTU.
The probability of spreading or acquiring cholera through a CTC/CTU can be highly reduced when proper IPC and WASH measures are respected, followed and monitored. These measures are, in principle, valid in CTC/CTUs and ORPs, although they need to be adapted to the specific characteristics of the facility concerned.