A Global Inventory of Alternative Medical Waste Treatment Technologies
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
The road map sets global targets and milestones to prevent, control, eliminate or eradicate 20 diseases and disease groups as well as cross-cutting targets aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Three foundational pillars will support global efforts to achieve the targets: accelerate progra...mmatic action (pillar 1), intensify cross-cutting approaches (pillar 2) and change operating models and culture to facilitate country ownership (pillar 3).
Dolutegravir HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) data from Africa remain sparse. We reviewed HIVDR results of Malawians on
dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy (November 2020– September 2021). Of 6462 eligible clients, 33 samples were submitted to South Africa, 27 were sequenced successfully, and 8 ...(30%) had dolutegravir HIVDR. Malawi urgently requires adequate HIVDR testing capacity.
Working towards better COVID-19 outcomes in the WHO European Region.From the first COVID-19 cases in Europe reported on
24 January 2020, the pandemic reached 1 million cases
within 3 months, 10 million cases within 8 months, and
100 million cases in Europe alone within 2 years. Over
the course o...f its two years, COVID-19 has claimed over
1.6 million lives across Europe and Central Asia. The
World Health Organization (WHO) European Region has
accounted for close to a third of the cumulative global
COVID-19 cases and deaths.
Bildiri notu | 16 Mart 2020
Zarar vermeme ilkesi, eşitlik, şeffaflık, insanlık: değerler ceza adalet sektörünün korona virüse yanıtını yönlendirmelidir
Bu metin yayınladığı sırada 164.000*’den fazla onaylanmış vakasının olduğu COVID-19 korona virüsü dünya çapında 11...0 ülkeyi etkisi altına almış ve 6,470 kişinin hayatını kaybetmesine yol açmıştır. Bu bildiri notunda, COVID-19 salgınının mevcut durumunu, hapishanelerde** alınan tedbirleri ve hükümetlere sunulan öneriler ile ceza infaz sisteminde var olan insanlar üzerindeki daha geniş etkilerini değerlendirmekteyiz. Bu metin hapishane personeli de dahil olmak üzere, cezaevindeki kişilerin karşı karşıya kaldığı risk göz önüne alındığında, hemen harekete geçilmesi gerektiğini savunmaktadır.
The Government recognizes the critical role of the built environment in addressing climate change and environmental degradation. To this end, it has identified and empowered the Kenya Building Research Centre to champion and coordinate the government’s green building agenda in relation to climate ...change mitigation and adaptation as stipulated in the Centre’s Strategic Plan (2017/2018 – 2021/2022)
The report reviews progress with the task of planning and implementing measures necessary to secure a completely polio-free world. It also examines actions aimed at ensuring successful transfer of polio assets, innovations developed and lessons learned to countries’ public health programmes and ot...her global health priorities
The evidence base for differentiated care for stable patients has grown in recent years. There has been less attention, however, to developing differentiated models of care for patients with advanced or unstable HIV disease. Current clinical guidelines and policies regarding optimal packages of care... for high-risk patients give few or no recommendations about how, by whom, or where they should be delivered for optimal impact.