El presente documento constituye la versión breve de la “Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) Nacional de Prevención, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Hipertensión Arterial 2019” y forma parte del conjunto de acciones que el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (MSN) lleva adelante para mejorar la ...calidad de atención de personas con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT)1.
It aims to minimize damage to property, reduce injury and lives lost, and normalize the lives of those affected in a timely manner in the case of a damaging earthquake in the country.
It also seeks to contribute to the achievements of Myanmar Sustainable Development Goals as well as respond to Gl...obal and Regional Frameworks which Myanmar has endorsed.
This publication includes quotes from various respondents interviewed in Tripoli, Akkar and Beirut. We focused on three main questions: How are the relations between refugees and Lebanese? How are refugees faring in the job market? Which concrete initiatives have already demonstrated positive impact... in terms of increasing their financial and/or social well-being? The combination of those factors are key to understanding refugees’ livelihoods and coping strategies and reflect on what more can be done by local and international actors to increase social stability in Lebanon on a temporary basis, pending durable solutions.
This report found that many people with disabilities enter institutions as children and remain there for their entire lives. Most of these institutions visited by Human Rights Watch researchers did not provide for more than people’s basic needs, such as food and hygiene, with scarce contact with t...he community and little opportunity for personal development. Some residents are tied to their beds and given sedatives to control them.
A recent survey of the literature and experience identified five broad actions that development institutions and governments, as well as their partners and stakeholders, can take to improve disability-inclusive disaster risk management. Those five actions are:
- Include persons with disabilitie...s as valued stakeholders in disaster risk management activities
- Help remove barriers to the full participation of persons with disabilities
- Increase awareness among governments and their partners of the safety and security needs of persons with disabilities
- Collect data that is disaggregated by disability
- Ensure that new construction, rehabilitation and reconstruction are accessible to persons with disabilities
Studien der Sachverständigengruppe „Weltwirtschaft und Sozialethik“ Nr. 21
On the basis of a reflection on social ethics, the German Bishops’ Conference expert panel on "Global Economy and Social Ethics" has analyzed the role of economic growth in relation to environmental issues and sustain...able development. The chairman of the expert panel outlines the main results of this text.
This study attempts a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of un-annotated bibliographic listing of books and citations compiled on specific learning disability published by researchers in India.
The effect of music intervention on mild and moderate Intellectually
disabled children was studied in non-randomized pre-test post-test control
group design at an Indian state (Jammu) J&K
The aim of this handbook is to provide guidance for trained anaesthetists working for the ICRC and to offer advice in areas where practice will differ from that in their home country. It is designed to supplement the practical training given in ICRC war-surgery seminars and to support the work of th...e ICRC in war surgery
This case study examines the humanitarian response to the conflict-related crisis in the North-East of Nigeria, focusing primarily on the period from 2015 to the end of 2016. The aim is test the central hypotheses of the Emergency Gap project: that the current structure, conceptual underpinning and... prevalent mindset of the international humanitarian system limits its capacity to be effective in response to conflict-related emergencies.
As with many conflict-related crises, the emergency in north-east Nigeria has deep and complex roots in the history of the region. The conflict began in 2009 and quickly developed beyond the control of the authorities. It unfolded in the midst of pre-existing political, social and economic tensions, making an effective humanitarian response exceedingly difficult. Despite this complexity, what is clear is that the crisis has resulted in a sprawling humanitarian disaster that has killed over 25,000 people as a direct result of the violence, and continues to devastate many more lives through hunger, psychological trauma and lack of access to healthcare.
The Central African Republic is at a major turning point in its history. The country
is just emerging from a very violent conflict, during which thousands of human lives were lost and one-third of the population was displaced. After
a three-year transition, and with the support of the internationa...l community, authorities successfully created the conditions required to conduct credible presidential and legislative
elections. Central African citizens mobilized to express their desire for peace and to break
with the cycle of past violence. Their exemplary democratic maturity ensured the electoral
process was peaceful, despite palpable tensions. The welcome given Pope Francis in Bangui in
November 2015 and visible reconciliation efforts demonstrate the population wishes to turn
the page on this conflict.
Choko AT et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21610 http://www.jiasociety.org/index.php/jias/article/view/21610 | http://dx.doi.org/10.7448/IAS.20.1.21610
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS VOL. 13 NO. 1 2016
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17290376.2016.1226942
Regional Operational Plan 2016 FY17 Strategic Direction Summary
2 May 2016
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs as a result of a child’s exposure to one or more traumatic events: actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. The victim may experience the event, witness it, learn about it from close family members or fr...iends, or experience repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event. Potentially traumatic events include physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, and accidents.
Treatment Recommendations for Adult Inpatients
This study explores the knowledge of primary school teachers in
identifying children with learning disabilities.