The guide seeks to address questions about how we can face local communication challenges presented by the pandemic, and how communicators respond effectively to the situation through supporting our communities to cope and to protect themselves. This guide aims to provide insights for a wide range o...f local communicators on the community level. It covers the need for knowing and communicating the facts coronavirus, understanding the pandemics’ timeline and accompanying communication phases, and accessing resources and materials; it also contains information about what needs communicating and key messages, and consideration about communication design options for appropriate communication routes and methods and essential communication planning
This issue is available in Engilsh, Maguindanao, Maranao, Tagalog from the website
UNAIDS/WHO Working group
HIV/AIDS and STI surveillance 2015 / Reference
In our fourth year of producing The State of Open Humanitarian Data, we can report the highest levels yet for data availability across priority humanitarian operations. These gains can be attributed to the commitment of organizations to sharing and maintaining their data publicly. There was also demand for data about the world's largest humanitarian crises, from the war in Ukraine to drought and food insecurity in the Horn of Africa.
l Plan de Participación de Partes Interesadas (en adelante PPPI) se formula en cumplimiento de las directrices y requisitos que se expresan en el Estándar Ambiental y Social 10 “Participación de las partes interesadas y divulgación de la información” del Banco Mundial (en adelante EAS 10). ...Este estándar brinda los referentes para que, en los proyectos que financia el Banco Mundial, se constituyan tres (3) tipos de mecanismos que garanticen el involucramiento de las partes interesadas en los asuntos que les conciernen y son de su interés: de participación, de divulgación de información y de atención a quejas y reclamos.
In this paper, we review the most significant health and environmental facts and explain why — from a medical perspective — a proper understanding of what nuclear weapons will do invalidates all arguments for continued possession of these weapons and requires that they urgently be pro...hibited and eliminated as the only course of action commensurate with the existential danger they pose.
Working Document - Updated -February 2009