A Report on the Application of the HIV Stigma index in the Western highlands and Chimbu provinces
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Recommendations from the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
(This g...uideline was simultaneously published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal on November 6, 2013.)
PLOS Medicine | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002514 March 1, 2018
Editorial Review
AIDS 2019, 33:1411–1420
SAJHIVMED DECEMBER 2013, Vol. 14, No. 4
Recommendations for a Public Health approach and considerations for policy-makers and managers
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172392 February 16, 2017
Second Edition
Good Policy and Practice in HIV & AIDS and Education
Large-Scale UN Response Needed to Address Health and Food Crises
This report is based on interviews with more than 150 health care professionals, Venezuelans seeking or in need of medical care who recently arrived in Colombia and Brazil, representatives from international and nongovernmental humani...tarian organizations. In addition, researchers analyzed data on the situation inside Venezuela from official sources, hospitals, international and national organizations, and civil society organizations.
We found a health system in utter collapse with increased levels of maternal and infant mortality; the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and diphtheria; and increases in numbers of infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis (TB). Although the government stopped publishing official data on nutrition in 2007, research by Venezuelan organizations and universities documents high levels of food insecurity and child malnutrition, and available data shows high hospital admissions of malnourished children.
The report discusses the epidemiological and social aspects of ageing, health and functional changes experienced with ageing, the impact of physical activity, assessment of the nutritional status of older persons, and nutritional guidelines for healthy ageing.
The U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 213–223
Second Edition
Monitoring and Evaluation
Combler les écarts
Rompre les barrières
Réparer les injustices