Prepared for the Stunting Prevention and Reduction Project - The project Medical Waste Management Plan’s (MWMP) overall objective is to prevent and/or mitigate the negative effects of increased generation of medical waste on human health and the environment. The plan proposes measures to prevent t...he spread of infection and reduce the
exposure of health workers, patients and the general public to the risks from medical waste. The plan is to be used by all project implementation entities to manage medical waste associated with
project activities. These entities will have appropriate procedures and capacities in place to manage the medical waste.
This is an update of a seven-year TB and Leprosy national strategic plan (TBL-NSP), which extends from 2013 to 2020. The update focuses on the plan covering from 2017-20 and is based on the 2017 external mid-term programme review key findings and recommendations; the global and national End TB strat...e-gies and targets; stakeholders consultation and recent revision of the national TB guidelines.
Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation
Pan African Medical Journal 2017;27:215. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.27.215.12994
NSW Disaster Mental Health Handbook 1
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.
Chapter A.4
2017 edition
BMC Family Practice (2017) 18:56 DOI 10.1186/s12875-017-0628
Indian J Psychiatry. 2017 Jan; 59(Suppl 1): S67–S73.
doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975
This report presents the most current data on four specific forms of violence – violent discipline and exposure to domestic abuse during early childhood; violence at school; violent deaths among adolescents; and sexual violence in childhood and adolescence. The statistics reveal that children expe...rience violence across all stages of childhood, in diverse settings, and often at the hands of the trusted individuals with whom they interact daily. The report concludes with specific national actions and strategies that UNICEF has embraced to prevent and respond to violence against children.
The 2017 Global Nutrition Report focuses on 5 key areas and finds that improving nutrition can have a powerful multiplier effect across the SDGs. Indeed, it indicates that it will be a challenge to achieve any SDG without addressing nutrition. The report shows that there is an exciting opportunity t...o achieving global nutrition targets while catalysing other development goals through ‘double duty’ and ‘triple duty’ actions, which tackle malnutrition and other development challenges could yield multiple benefits across the SDGs.
The report surveyed 9 leading bilateral and multilateral education donors in respect of their approach to disability-inclusive education.
Internationally, there is a growing concern over antimicro-bial resistance (AMR) which is currently estimated to ac-count for more than 700,000 deaths per year worldwide. If no appropriate measures are taken to halt its pro-gress, AMR will cost approximately 10 million lives andabout US$100 trillion... per year by 2050. In contrast tosome other health issues, AMR is a problem that con-cerns every country irrespective of its level of incomeand development as resistant pathogens do not respect borders.Despite the threat presented by AMR, the 2014 WorldHealth Organization (WHO) and the recent O’Neill re-port describe significant gaps in surveillance, standardmethodologies and data sharing. The 2014 WHOreport identified Africa and South East Asia as the regions without established AMR surveillance systems.
Tadesseet al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2017) 17:616 DOI 10.1186/s12879-017-2713-1