The Infant and young child feeding counselling: an integrated course includes this Director’s guide, a Trainer’s guide and Participant’s manual. Additional tools include: Course handouts; Guidelines for follow-up after training; Supportive supervision/mentoring and monitoring and an toolkit; a slide set for the trainer; a set of 24 Counselling cards and Guidance on the use of counselling cards. The course includes 79 sessions arranged within 8 modules, covering a range of topics, including breastfeeding, complementary feeding, growth assessment and monitoring, HIV and infant feeding, and infant and young child feeding counselling. Course facilitators can decide which sessions to cover, depending on the specific learning needs of the health workers in your community.
16 Dec 2021. This interim guidance pertains to heterologous primary and heterologous boosting schedules of Covid-19 vaccines. It focuses on heterologous schedules combining multiple vaccine platforms (e.g. a vectored vaccine followed by an mRNA vaccine).
The Participant’s manual contains summaries of information presented by the trainers, copies of worksheets and checklists for the clinical practice and practical sessions, and exercises that participants will do during the course. One manual should be provided for each participant, using the selected, for use during the course and can be used as a reference after the course. child feeding counselling. Course facilitators can decide which sessions to cover, depending on the specific learning needs of the health workers in your community.
Die WHO hat mit Hilfe der Delphi-Methode eine klinische Falldefinition für das Post-COVID-19-Syndrom entwickelt, die 12 Domänen umfasst und in allen Bereichen verwendet werden kann. Diese erste Version wurde von Patienten, Forschern und anderen Personen aus allen WHO-Regionen entwickelt, wobei dav...on ausgegangen wird, dass sich die Definition ändern kann, wenn sich neue Erkenntnisse ergeben und sich unser Verständnis der Folgen von COVID-19 weiterentwickelt.
Die Post-COVID-19-Erkrankung tritt bei Personen mit einer wahrscheinlichen oder bestätigten SARS-CoV-2-Infektion in der Anamnese auf, in der Regel drei Monate nach dem Auftreten von COVID-19 mit Symptomen, die mindestens zwei Monate anhalten und nicht durch eine andere Diagnose erklärt werden können. Zu den häufigen Symptomen gehören Müdigkeit, Kurzatmigkeit, kognitive Störungen, aber auch andere Symptome, die sich im Allgemeinen auf das tägliche Leben auswirken. Die Symptome können nach der anfänglichen Genesung von einer akuten COVID-19-Episode neu auftreten oder nach der ersten Erkrankung fortbestehen. Die Symptome können auch schwanken oder im Laufe der Zeit wieder auftreten.
L'OMS a développé une définition de cas clinique de l'état post COVID-19 par la méthodologie Delphi qui comprend 12 domaines, disponible pour une utilisation dans tous les contextes. Cette première version a été élaborée par des patients, des chercheurs et d'autres personnes, représentant... toutes les Régions de l'OMS, étant entendu que la définition peut changer à mesure que de nouvelles preuves apparaissent et que notre compréhension des conséquences de la COVID-19 continue d'évoluer.
L'état post COVID-19 survient chez les personnes ayant des antécédents d'infection probable ou confirmée par le CoV-2 du SRAS, généralement 3 mois après l'apparition de symptômes qui durent au moins 2 mois et ne peuvent être expliqués par un autre diagnostic. Les symptômes courants comprennent la fatigue, l'essoufflement, le dysfonctionnement cognitif mais aussi d'autres et ont généralement un impact sur le fonctionnement quotidien. Les symptômes peuvent être d'apparition récente après le rétablissement initial d'un épisode aigu de COVID-19 ou persister depuis la maladie initiale. Les symptômes peuvent également fluctuer ou rechuter au fil du temps.
The HIV drug resistance report 2021 summarizes findings from 38 countries that had finalized the surveys by the time of this report and shared data with WHO.
Pretreatment HIVDR to non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) can affect more than 10% of adults starting therapy and is fo...und up to 3 times more often in people who had previous exposure to antiretroviral drugs. In addition, nearly half of infants newly diagnosed with HIV has HIVDR to NNRTI before initiating treatment.The high levels of observed NNRTI pretreatment HIVDR among emphasize the need to fast-track the transition to WHO-recommended dolutegravir-based ART.
Unhealthy diets and excess body weight are leading risk factors for death and disability in the WHO European Region. Addressing malnutrition in all its forms is essential to ensure health and well-being for all and, consequently, sustainable development. It requires coherent and innovative actions c...overing the entire food system and across other sectors to ensure access to a diversified, balanced and healthy diet for all.
WHO’s antiretroviral treatment (ART) clinic-based acquired drug resistance survey method yields robust estimates of HIV viral suppression and acquired HIV drug resistance in adults, children and adolescents taking both dolutegravir and non-dolutegravir based regimens.
Results are used to inform A...RT programme decision making regarding optimal ART regimens and support evaluation of programme quality with respect to maximizing viral load suppression and minimizing emergence of resistance in people taking ART.
WHO and Psyon Games have joined forces to launch a new tower defense game called the Antidote COVID-19 to turn complex, scientific information into a fun learning experience. During the course of the game, players will learn about their immune system, pathogens, vaccines and how to protect themselve...s from COVID-19.
The game comes at a critical point of the pandemic where misinformation is hindering COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and adherence to other public health measures due to fear, mistrust and doubt. By putting players in the driver’s seat, the game urges everyone to play a role in fighting harmful misinformation online, and learning and sharing the facts from trusted sources of information.
The game starts just before the pandemic begins. The player is recruited to halt the spread of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, by developing vaccines and helping the human immune system fight off the virus. Based on real events, this online adventure takes the player to the frontline of science, ultimately providing lifesaving information in the palms of their hands.