Is the first appendix for the Psychological First Aid Field for Schools (PFA-S) Operations Guide. This appendix provides recommendations for school staff (including principals and administrators, teachers, health-related professionals, and support staff) on providing Psychological First Aid at a sch...ool.
This guide is a resource for future health professionals who want to learn about and engage in abortion issues. Abortion is a critical but often neglected area of women’s rights, women’s health and health science education. The guide ences students was developed for health sciences students -inc...luding students in medicine, nursing, midwifery, pharmacology, public health and other related fields
This Topic Guide has been compiled to provide an overview of undernutrition in the context of development. The focus of the Guide is on undernutrition, defined as the outcome of insufficient (quantity and quality) of food intake (hunger) and repeated infectious diseases. Undernutrition includes bein...g underweight for one’s age, too short for one’s age (stunted), underweight for one’s height (wasted), and deficient in vitamins and minerals (micronutrient malnutrition). This review does not focus on the other component of malnutrition, which is overnutrition
The report offers an overview of the progress the humanitarian sector has made and the obstacles it has faced over the past 10 years. Accountability is no longer just a fashionable term, there is now a shared understanding of what it takes to be accountable. From changes at policy level, to concrete... actions taken in the field, this report documents this sector-wide shift. It also shows that being accountable to the people we aim to serve is not just the right thing to do, it is also the best way to ensure programmes are relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable
Domestic Violence Act Training Module
NAMIBIA (2012/13-2015/16)
แนวปฏิบัติในการจัดการความเสี่ยง ดานภาวะฉุกเฉินและความพิการเพื่อสุขภาพ
The Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2) is a launch into the home strait of our Vision 2020. We are faced with new challenges of ensuring greater self reliance and developing global competitiveness. Conscious of these challenges, we forge ahead knowing that working t...ogether, we always overcome.
The EDPRS 2 period is the time when our private sector is expected to take the driving seat in economic growth and poverty reduction. Through this strategy we will focus government efforts on transforming the economy, the private sector and alleviating constraints to growth of
investment. We will develop the appropriate skills and competencies to allow our people particularly the youth to become more productive and competitive to support our ambitions. We will also strengthen the platform for communities to engage decisively and to continue to develop home grown solutions that have been the bedrock of our success. These are fundamental principles as we work to improve the lives of all Rwandans in the face of an uncertain global economic environment.
The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is enshrined in many international human rights treaties. However, studies have shown that people with mental disabilities are often marginalized and discriminated against in the fulfillment of their right to... health. The aim of this study is to identify and reach a broader understanding of barriers to the right to mental health in the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. Eleven semi-structured interviews were carried out with health professionals and administrators.
Европейскому региону ВОЗ принадлежит незавид-ное первенство среди регионов мира по количеству потребляемого алкоголя и масштабам вреда, обусловленного употребл...нием алкоголя. Это проблема, требующая решительных действий. Такие действия, даже относительно простые и малозатратные, могут привести к быстрому и существенному улучшению здоровья и благополучия населения, повышению уровня занятости и производительности труда, большей экономии ресурсов в секторе здравоохранения и социального обеспечения, большему равенству в отношении здоровья и экономического положения, более высокому уровню социальной сплоченности и вовлечения всех социальных групп в жизнь общества