WHO’s Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025 is anchored in the six global targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition and the global diet-related NCD targets.
In support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly SDG2 and SDG3, and in concert w...ith the 2016-2025 UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, WHO’s Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025 aims for “A world free from all forms of malnutrition where all people achieve health and well-being”. It defines the unique value of WHO for advancing nutrition: the provision of leadership, guidance and monitoring and proposes a theory of change. Finally, following a set of guiding principles, it proposes priority actions for WHO, the delivery model and a clear allocation of roles across the Organization.
WHO Secretariat Information paper July 2016
Meeting Report
27–30 June 2017 Manila, Philippines
Second Generation, WHO Country Cooperation Strategy, 2010–2015, Namibia
Laboratory Biossafety Manual
HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care 2016:8 183–193
Health Workers and Health Facilities under Attack 2015, and Early 2016